Coke Zero Vs. Diet Coke



  • dcummings80
    Love me some Coke Zero. I actually don't drink soda much at all, but when I do it usually that or a Cherry Coke Zero.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    If I have a pop, I usually splurge and have a sugary one because I don't like the diet aftertaste. When it comes to diet pops (or sugar pops even) I DEFINITELY prefer diet pepsi. I find diet coke to be revolting; HOWEVER, when it is partially watered down fountain pop, I can tolerate diet coke. I once had coke zero thinking that there was no difference in the taste. Boy was I wrong. Coke Zero is 10 times worse than Diet Coke, IMO. Ick!
  • beccannes

    Sugar does cause inflammation unless the experts are wrong..
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Coke Zero gets my vote. Caffeine is awesome, calorie free caffeine is even I'd rather die than ever have to consume plain water.
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member

    Sugar does cause inflammation unless the experts are wrong..

    After quite a bit of research on the web I have found numerous studies...some televised on shows like "60 minutes" and "Dr.Oz" that support the claim that sugar does in fact cause inflamation. There is little research to back up that artificial sweeteners do the same but there seem to be a lot of people who suspect that it may have the same effect as sugar if not worse.

    But it appears you are right least from what I have found.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member

    Sugar does cause inflammation unless the experts are wrong..

    After quite a bit of research on the web I have found numerous studies...some televised on shows like "60 minutes" and "Dr.Oz" that support the claim that sugar does in fact cause inflamation. There is little research to back up that artificial sweeteners do the same but there seem to be a lot of people who suspect that it may have the same effect as sugar if not worse.

    But it appears you are right least from what I have found.

    Sugar in of itself doesn't cause inflammation. Your blog link agrees with me, and notice they use words like"may" and "suggest". Just like ANYTHING, High/Excessive amounts causes a negative response from the body which has been wrapped into this new word, "Inflammation" that all the cool health kids use. If you drink too much water your body will elicit a negative response, including hyponatremia.

    And it's not the sugar, is the constant flooding your body with sugars as in carbs (breads, cereals, grains, oats, pastas, etc), which essentially overload your pancreas and when you pancreas essentially breaks (diabetes) and you can't process the crap you keep shoving down your throat over and over again, then you have made your body ripe for "inflammation" aka anything negative that starts to happen. And this so called, "inflammation" is usually due to not just sugar but an over all sedentary, unhealthy life style. 1 straight up HFC coke a day is going to do anything to a person living a balanced life style in terms of health and wellness. They pancreas will do its job and it will process the sugar, store the glycogen in their muscles which they will then use up exercising.