100 Pounds Down | Pics | This is the story so far...

A long time ago, in a weight class far far away....

This was me.


This was about a decade ago. I was actually 25 pounds heavier then that picture. I underwent roux-en-y gastric bypass and lost weight.


I managed to lose 100 fairly quickly, got another 50 or so off very slowly, and then bounced up and down around 400 for a few years.

A bit under 8 months ago I decided it was time to do something new....

Something Drastic...

Something amazingly radical.

I *gasp* ate less.. and.. *double gasp* exercised.

That's it. Nothing fancy, nothing radical, no new surgery, no body by xi, no crystal meth, no injecting the urine of pregnant women into my body.

I found this site by finding a simple app that would let me track my caloric intake. I set my goals for 3 pounds a week, and did my damn best to stick to it.

On Feb 22rd 2012 I started. I was 415 pounds.


That was me a couple of months in, 380 pounds. I started to walk around in the bright bright Florida sun.

So, for the last few months or so, I have been welcomed into this community. I got support, I learned things. I made a few people laugh. I made a few friends, and all that time I did two things..

Ate less and exercised.


Today I am at 100 pounds down from where I started on MFP. I have a bit over another 100 to go probably. I couldn't have done it without the community here so thank you all for that.

Also as for how I feel today?



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