Cycling from Fat to Fit

Hi, first time posting on this forum.

At the start of the year I weighed 134kg. I've always known that I should lose weight but didn't really want to, so I didn't.

I started cycling with a friend to try to lose some weight and really struggled with the cycling, so decided to lose weight to get more out my cycling. Therefore I had a reason to lose weight that was really important to me, not just what society was telling me.

Found myfitnesspal in May and that has helped make a massive difference.

I now weigh 119kg and it has made a massive difference to my cycling, just been out for an easy 14 mile bike ride this evening. At the start of the year a 12 mile bike ride nearly killed me and took twice as long.

Find a reason that is important to you and then you will hit those goals.

You can follow my progress at

Good luck to you all, you will get there.
