My Fitness Journey

Hi All -

I joined MyFitnessPal one week ago and so far have been enjoying the education, interaction with others and especially the weight loss!!!
So far I have lost 4 pounds, and I am looking forward to losing more.
I have noticed in the past 6 days that if I keep busy, drink a lot of water (12 cups per day) and most of all keep a good attitude that it's not that hard to stay under my calorie goal. Yesterday was NOT like that - I went over by almost 200 points and that was with the exercise added in. Of course, I had tracked my calories for a week before I started on this program and found I was eating between 3,200 & 3,800 calories per day! YES, you read that right! I was eating a lot of food. And it wasn't healthy food, believe me.
I EAT WHEN I'M BORED - go figure. I have learned this in the past 6 days so I am excited to see what else I will learn about myself in the coming days. I hope to let this be a lifestyle change as I am 37 and I've heard it only gets harder after 40. Mostly, I stopped smoking in April of this year and when I asked my doctor if he had anything to help me keep off the weight - he said, "Exercise and healthy eating is the best way"! Yes, he did actually say that. I don't think he was trying to be a smart alek, but it made me laugh. Ultimately, I wasn't ready at that time to control the eating so I ended up gaining 35 pounds and I was already about 10 pounds over what I would like to ideally weigh. Needless to say, none of my clothes fit and I was struggling with depression big time - thus the obscene amount of calories I found I was eating. The good news is that today is a new day and I am trying to take this just one day at a time and not get too hard on myself when I have days like I did yesterday, and to remember that it's about health and not if I can fit into a certain size or catch a certain man.
I am enjoying learning more about myself and why I eat what I do - Onward and Upward on the Journey of Life~~~