Working moms...

at what time do you work out? I work out at 4a.m., but still feel sleepy and at the end of the day I'm exhausted...on a positive note I'm always glad I got my work out in without the kids interrupting or hubby lol..i just wish I can change my schedule, please tell me how you do it and at what time, without feeling exhausted?


  • misskris78
    misskris78 Posts: 136 Member
    4:45 a.m. I can't do it at night without interruption.
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    Right after work and on weekends. I make exercise a priority, but never a higher priority than sleep.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I have flexible job and flexible school hours. I lift at a gym 2 days a week after I drop the kids off at daycare then just go into work later (I make it up by skipping lunches, etc). I add in cardio either on weekends, evenings after the kids go to sleep, or 6am before they wake up. I have an elliptical and Turbo Fire videos at home.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I work out at 7:00 pm every night.
    I'm a single mother, work full-time, and have 4 year old twin boys with Cystic Fibrosis.
    Life is hectic, but I make it a priority.
  • seriouslypinkchick
    seriouslypinkchick Posts: 40 Member
    I finish work at 4pm so i go swimming or on treadmill after work b4 i pick the kids up from kids club just mens i never home b4 6pm, i never get out of bed to work out at 4,30 lol i luv my sleep way to much haha
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    I work out at 7:00 pm every night.
    I'm a single mother, work full-time, and have 4 year old twin boys with Cystic Fibrosis.
    Life is hectic, but I make it a priority.
    WOW!!! You go girl!!! :) That is awesome!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I work part time & mostly afternoon shifts (currently I'm on maternity leave) - I used to do my work outs in the morning with my p/t. I'm lucky enough to have my Mum & Mother in law to watch my child (1 back then now I have 2).

    I'm finding now that I'm not working at all & being a full time SAHM I don't have time to do it at all unless I get up early in the morning & then that can prove to be difficult seeing as my 2nd is only 8 weeks old so she's not yet in a routine. Today I managed to be up at 5am & did my 30 day shred. I will later if I can (when the girls have a nap) do some treadmill & cross trainer. I guess you just have to fit it in when you can & realise that being a working Mum with kids you are ALWAYS going to be tired. :flowerforyou:
  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    My babies are grown now, but I would do a couple nights a week for me and about 430-5am runs or DVD's in the morning. I found I was a better working mom when I made sure I gave myself this very important time. Many nights I went to bed at the same time they did just to maintain my sleep. Routine in our house was always very important. Kept me sane and the kids on task.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    5:00 AM
  • chinks0113
    I work out before work @4am. It's the only time I can do it bc of my schedule. Plus I try to spend all of my time after work with my daughter. I take b12 pills for energy.
  • jencooks
    jencooks Posts: 62 Member
    5:15am. I do workout videos in the morning M-Sat. I did skip a few lately though... I think the darker, colder mornings make it much harder to get up. I have only been an AM exerciser for about 2 1/2 months.
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    when I started with my workouts I thought, I could be nice, to do it at 5.00 am, than taking a shower wake the kids, having breakfast and go to work.
    It didn't work, because I like sleeping in the morning too much. I never got up that early.
    So I do my workout in the evening when everything else is done.
    That works for me.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I work part time (3 days one week, 2 days the other) as a teacher. I finish work at 3, so on the days I work I go to the gym straight from school and then pick up my kids from nursery.

    On the days I don't work I fit the gym round my husband's shifts (he does earlies one week so I go to the gym around 3pm, and he does lates the other week so I go to the gym in the morning). Sometimes I use the crèche at the gym if I want to do a morning class on my husband's early shift week, but it's only open 9:45-11:45. I'm doing spinning tomorrow at 10:30am.

    I usually manage 4 or 5 exercise sessions a week.
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    I have two very little ones, my only time is just after they fall asleep and that is usually around 9.30pm, however I make it a priority to workout 6 days a week at home, no chance to go to the gym either, and no chance to do it during the day. Life is really hectic here.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I have children, and homeschool....considered working I think!
    The biggest factor, for me, is getting to bed on time. If I'm up late, forget it!
    Also, being ready for the day, the night before!

    It's soooo worth it. If I don't get that time, I look for it all day.......and never find it:cry:

    Getting up early allows me to have a real wake-up-care-for-me morning time.
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    I work out before work @4am. It's the only time I can do it bc of my schedule. Plus I try to spend all of my time after work with my daughter. I take b12 pills for energy.
    hmm...maybe I need to try some b12 pills for energy
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I am struggling with this. I usually went to workout classes at either 8:30 or 9:00 am after dropping my girls off at school when I had my normal schedule. Now I have to be in by 10 am. For awhile I was getting up @ 5 at going to boot camp or running @ 5:30, but I am a night person and especially when I have dance at night, and if I go out after.

    This week I am going to try some evening classes or boot camp at a different place that offers a 6 am class.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I used to work out right when I got home from work (5p - 6p) but then some MFP friends suggested I try early mornings. Now I work out 5:30a- 6:30a. I am more tired at night, so I now go to bed about an hour earlier - but I do find that I have some good energy throughout the morning. AND...the great thing - now that the weather is cooling off I work out in the AM and then me and the kids can go for a walk after dinner!! So I can double up. YAY
  • _danjo_
    _danjo_ Posts: 134 Member
    I try to be out of bed and working out (DVDs these days, running if I'm training for a race) by 4:45am. I've also started trying to get in a run a couple times a week during my lunch hour. At night, I'm usually in bed before 9. I am very very lucky to have a super husband who is supportive and incredibly helpful at home (I work until 6pm--he is home with the kids in the afternoon, makes dinner every night, and oversees homework, etc.). All of you single parents are absolutely my heroes--you have all of my respect being able to do the work of 2 parents on your own!
  • nyxrun
    nyxrun Posts: 60
    I work at nights. When I work, counting commute it's 14.5-15 that leaves me maybe 4 hours to sleep once I get home before the kids get off the school bus. Translation: I dont workout on the days after I pull a nightshift. I workout on my off days after the kids go to school. It's never the same days a week, but I always manage a minimum of 3 1 hr sessions in the gym a week :)

    edited since I'm apparently stuttering as I type.