
mbrownks77 Posts: 137
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I finished my food log 2 hours ago and have since then eaten 2 buckeyes and chips with corn dip! What is wrong with me? Does anyone have any tips for binge eating in the evenings? I was doing so good and have just blown my entire week! Kids are in bed and the hubby is at a buddies house. Could this be boredom?


  • yodacho
    yodacho Posts: 90 Member
    I tend to eat weird in the evenings when I'm really tired and finally have a minute to myself, or haven't eaten enough during the day. The tired thing really gets me, because I just start grazing and next thing I know I've hit several food groups, plus a generous portion of sugar, fat, and salt.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    Could this be boredom?
    Could be. But I'd put my money on not eating enough during the day.
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    I ask myself :

    How long will I have to work out to work this off? That one usually makes me stop.
    Do I really want it? Yes, I have a small portion, then stop. Don't deny yourself if you really want it. That makes it worse.
    Am I bored? Yes, I find something to do.
    Am I hungry? I have bowl of cereal.
    Am I thirsty? Drink a glass of water.

    If you wait long enough the cravings go away. Make sure your eating enough fiber and protien at supper. It'll get easier.
  • smboyle
    smboyle Posts: 14
    Could be boredom, Ive done that too. Try Air popped popcorn! I love my late night snacks when watching tv, this is great beecause you still have something to munch on, but definately not as bad as the bag of chips i used to eat lol hope this helps!
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    I have the same problem. I do good all day and then the evening comes. I usually stock up on fruit. It usually helps me make it through those times. Good luck!
  • yeah, it happens. Just try to east small meals through out the day time and save a lot of cals for night. Im a BIG snacker! Its bad! But even if you go over, dont fret. Youve lost 3lbs more then you would have not being here! And theirs always tom!

  • Wii fit has stop my cravings...I try to do it each night. If I sit and watch TV BOOM they come right back... I need to stay occupied or those damn cabinets call out to me... good luck!
  • olivianjohnsmom
    olivianjohnsmom Posts: 20 Member
    Yep!! sounds like you are bored!! after your last meal or after you are finished entering your calories for the night tell yourself that you are done! If you are feeling hungry drink some water and brush your teeth (makes you feel full, clean and makes food taste yucky). remove yourself from all food. I know, easier said than done! good luck! and remember that tomorrow is a NEW day :smile: Are buckeyes the peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate??? or nuts??
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Yes, could be boredom...a typical night for me is pretty busy and no room for boredom.

    On my workout nights that pretty much keeps me busy plus browsing this website. On my rest nights I usually still browse on the internet but then I end up falling asleep early. So not alot of tv watching since I end up crashing. But when I do feel like a snack I have something healthy like an apple or orange and I make sure to drink my water.

    BUT tonight was a different story for me....since I'm off tomorrow from work I can stay up late and play! But earlier tonight after getting bored of the computer I cuddled with dear hubby and watched TV....and next thing you know he made a pizza and I ate some! I too was done logging in my calories. Oh well. I do allow myself to be bad like that "once in a while". If you are doing good 80% of the time dont be so hard on yourself when you arent. Just do better next time.
  • Try drinking water at night. I can't stand just to drink plain water so I have the Ocean Spray on the go white cranberry peach mixes that I add. 10 calories per packet, but it sure beats eating more food. The water filles you up and takes care of the hunger.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I don't have that stuff in my house. The best part about my husband working most nights is that once my daughter is in bed I can't leave the house. Most of the junk food I would want I wouldn't buy when my daughter was with me and she's with me all the time. It probably is boredom or maybe a self destruction thing. I know when I get really close to a goal I like to sabotage myself and start randomly eating. Are you near a goal? Maybe just being so proud of yourself my push you that way.
    Don't think you messed up your whole week...put down the food, turn to exercise tv and pick a workout to do!!! Turn it around you will be so proud. You may not lose what you wanted to, but you are working on making behavioral changes!!! You can and WILL do this!!!!
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    When you feel like you're going to binge, drink LOTS of water,with a slice of lemon in it and munch of grapes or strawberries :)
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    I tend to eat crappy at night too, so I have been heading to the gym later at night. Also like some of the others have stated I do not have anything TOO damanging in my kitchen. Tonight I was bored, so I grabbed a sugar free pudding (60cals), then a slimfast bar (100cals).
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    I go to a nutrionist and she told me 70% of the time you eat, your not even hungry, youre just thirsty. Which makes sense. Try to focus on one part of your body you LOVE. I love when my collarbone is defined and showing, not grossly anerexic showing, you know haha. Everytime i crave candy or junk I go to the mirror in my bathroom and touch my collarbone. That right there gives me enough willpower to pass on the crap food and grab an apple instead. Once you pick your body part, everytime your about to put those chips or chocolate in your mouth, walk to the mirror and look at that part of your body and tell yourself you want to see change and its not going to happen while eating junk. It sounds corny, but im telling you, it will work. And definetly dont give up JUNK everyday the rest of your life. But limit it. If you are craving chips, chug a glass of crystal light or milk, and literally take 2 or 3 chips out of the bag seal it up, and you will still have your cravings satisfied, just not too much. If your craving cookies, take one cookie and nibble on it for 10 minutes. The only person that controls what you eat is you. Alot of times, I cut up carrots and celery and put it in baggies in my fridge and when im hungry, i grab them and im ready to eat. I dont think your craving buckeyes and chips, they are probaly just the most convienent thing in reach, correct?! haha. A great snack I LOVE that satisfies your sweet tooth is I peel an apple cut it up then sprinkle 1/2 teaspon of sugar on, a spoonful of brown sugar and cinnamon, pop it in the microwave for 2 mins then top it off with a little lite whipped cream. It is absolutely mouth watering and its under 150 calories. It is a very good dessert and will taste just as good as those chips, if not better! Let me know if you need any other help, my nutrionist has told me SO much information. :)
  • Thanks so much guys! Lots of great ideas from you all!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Yep that's one of my old habbit that I'm still trying to kick out of my life. What I have been doing lately is drink a cup of tea. I found this really helps. Plus it calms me down ready to go to bed early.

    Good luck!
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