Any non-drinkers between 25 and 35 there?



  • elcyclista
    I am 27 and I was in a bad car accident 8 months ago because of drinking. I since have stopped drinking, see a counceler and am working on straightening my life out. My bf still drinks and it can be really tough. Just out of curosity is there any body thats mid 20s to mid 30s that do not drink at all and why??

    Edit>>>I appreciate everyones responses...I guess I should of thrown in there I do love drinking and I miss it daily. Its been very hard for me to give it up but I know I have to. Being around my bf and anyone for that matter that drinks makes it even harder. I like the way it tastes and I am not religious. I just need to quit because of the severity of the wreck and the fact the it was a problem for me. Please keep responding!!

    By drinker do you mean someone who drinks every weekend or someone who drinks maybe once a year?

    I have maybe once a year. Special occasions. Maybe just a drink but that's it. I'm not a huge fan of it I guess.
  • SkyVetis
    I dont like drinking really, I might have one bottle of dark/real ale once every few months but can easily live without it.
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    Oh honey. I am so sorry about the accident. You are an amazing and strong person to overcome this difficult time. You will pull thru this, stronger than ever before. Don't give up on what you believe is right.

    I do drink, but I have seen what it can do to a family first hand. I worked at a treatment facility for four years so I know what damage it can cause a family. Therefore I drink maybe once. Month, and get "plastered" about twice a year.

    Stay true to yourself. Don't ever lose sight of that.