P90X Advice

Hey All! So I'm starting P90X tomorrow and I was just wondering if there is anyone who has completed the program that has any advice for someone getting started? Tips on staying motivated? Anything would be appreciated!


  • Anyone?
  • TanyshaBzs
    TanyshaBzs Posts: 23 Member
    I have done some P90X but was unable to finish it.
    My little piece of advice is don't be afraid to modify the moves. It's really intense.
    As for keeping motivated, for me p90x in itself was just exhilarating. It's definitely worth it.
    I did it for 2 weeks and lost about 3 inches over my body.
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    I'm on day 63 of the program - the final training block. I am happy with my results so far - I'm down right at 15 pounds, and it has helped me break a plateau that I had been on for several months (due to slacking, no paying attention to food, vacations, weddings, etc.). I am not seeing any huge, omg, mega results, but I had lost about 90 pounds prior to starting it, and my diet was already in the right place, so kicking these stubborn final pounds is a triumph.

    Modify the moves as necessary, but try and strive to do it the more difficult ways.
    If you haven't done Yoga before, the yoga routine will suck. Stick with it - it hits areas you don't normally hit, and balances the program. Remember to do X-Stretch, too; it isn't a true workout, but is complimentary. The guide marks it as optional, but I think it is important.
    Up your protein.
    Plyometrics is rough and still inspires dread in me. It and yoga are probably, for different reasons, the hardest routines, and probably the two that I will keep doing after the program proper.

    The program is certainly do-able by anyone with a solid fitness base, and it can scale up to almost any level of fitness.

    As for motivation, if you bring it, you will see results. It will be hard at first, and it will still be hard later, but you will be able to do it better. One of my favorite Tony quotes is something like "Don't say 'I can't,' say 'I currently struggle with,' and over time you'll get better."

    I try to workout in the mornings; this morning I just did not have it in me, so this evening it's time to double-down. Commit to yourself and do the workouts.
  • y0mbo
    y0mbo Posts: 43 Member
    I haven't yet completed all 90 days of P90X, but my advice would be as follows:

    Just push play. Do the best you can and don't worry about not being able to keep up.

    Follow the nutrition guide. You'll need to eat more than you think to keep up with

    Don't worry about missing a day. Just do what you missed the next day.

    P90X is a time commitment. Keep that in mind and try not to burn out.

    Join the MFP P90x group here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/59-p90x
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    be very careful and watch your form, don't bother to keep up with the pros on the screen if it meens sacrificing form. I tried P90X about a year ago and was halfway into week one when trying to keep up, I let myself get sloppy and wrecked my back in such a way that it made breathing painful, walking nearly impossible and one time I thought I had to sneeze and seriously the thought scared me to near tears. Kept me sidelined from anything for about 3 weeks.

    I still have all the stuff, but the memory of that injury is keeping me gunshy about retrying it. Curently I'm telling myself I'm going to get stronger and healthier and then try it.

    So go as hard as you can, but as safely as you can and you'll see results.
  • tntlarose
    tntlarose Posts: 4 Member
    My husband does modified versions of P90X, he's had both knees replaced, so it's hard for him to do the exercises spot-on. He's 52 and has lost about 18 lbs.

    I agree with the post on the yoga portion. It wasn't fun, but it was definitely beneficial! Good luck! :)
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I haven't completed it yet, I'm on day 52.. This is my recovery week and I'm so looking forward to it! My suggestions, keep pushing play! Modify when necessary but challenge yourself to at least try. Good luck~
  • Hey fighting, how are you today?

    I personally have completed p90x a couple of times. Absolutely love that program!
    it teaches you so much about yourself. You definitely see your true colors with the program.

    Some tips I would highly recommend....here's a few

    1. Throw the scale out. During the program weigh yourself as little as possible. Far too many people become discouraged after a couple of weeks, they feel their working so hard and not losing any weight, it must not be working for me...not true.
    The scale lies, there are times where in fact you are losing lbs/inches but people don't factor in water weight..amongst other things

    2. Goals...goals....goals. set daily, weekly, monthly, post 90 day goals. Goals will keep you going!

    Whether your goals are to drink x amount of water each day, to do 2 more pushups then last week, to not hit pause today, to lose x inches..simple things. Just to keep you motiavted.

    3. Before and after pictures. Their a must. A great way to measure results. Also you get a free t shirt when u graduate. :)

    4. I would highly advise working with a coach/accountability group. Its a great way to stay on track as well as gain knowledge, and maintain your goals.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I 'am actually a coach myself, if interested in joining my team let me know!

  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    I've done two rounds of P90X and I think it's great! Don't be afraid of lifting heavier weights and stay with the 8-12 reps instead of the 12-15reps. That helped me see better results. I found the Yoga dvd really boring and never really did it. I love X-stretch though and did that instead. Good luck! :)
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I did one round of p90x last year and 2/3 of a round this year before i went through some fitness issues.

    First of all, as others have said - Take Pictures. Front, Back, Side, different angles and wear those same clothes in all the pics. You will see lots of small changes

    Secondly, - Eat nutritiously. Have a recovery drink or snack. Follow a clean eating plan and dont get caught up in the 'well im burning 500 calories doing plyo... i could totally eat a cheeseburger'. sure you COULD, but thats not the point. dont lose sight of your goals.

    Third, - Keep track of when each workout is best for you. I ended up having to shuffle my schedule around to make sure that Saturday was my yoga day because the yoga DVD is long. KenpoX went the quickest for me and Plyo seemed shorter than it actually was because of the pace of the movements

    Fourth, - Drink water, lots of it.... you will sweat unholy amounts if youre new to it

    Fifth, - use a HRM to track calories burned. It was the most accurate for me. I used a Polar FT4

    Sixth, - Give yourself time. If you do every move, just slower and more controlled, it's better than sitting on your butt watching the infomercial

    Seventh, - The Ab Ripper DVD was painful for me to do even with an extra cushy mat. I did switch that DVD out for another beachbody product (Turbo Jam's Ab Jam) and found it was effective as well. Maybe not as much as Ab Ripper could have been, but if there's pain, make a change. You dont want to get hurt.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    There is a lot of good advice in this thread so far. I've been doing P90X, P90X2, Insanity and even some TurboFire for the past 18 months or so. The first week of P90X is the toughest. You'll be sore on Tuesday following the tough Chest and Back workout. You then get Plyometrics which is a big kick in the gut to your self esteem. Shoulders and Arms is a great workout, Yoga X is slow and time consuming (but so worth it), Legs Adan Back is tough and Kenpo is a nice way to end the week.

    My advice is to not get discouraged. You will not be able to do all of Ab Ripper X. you will not be able to keep up with everyone during Plyometrics. But, you will get there. I always recommend that you do some of all the exercises rather than all of some of them. In Ab Ripper, concentrate on 10-15 reps of each move and build from there. During Plyo, try to do 15 seconds of the 30 second moves and 30 seconds of the minute long ones. Once you get through the first week, you will be fine.

    You can also message me if you have more specific questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Chances are, if you are running into a problem, someone else already has and knows how to work through it. I also like to recommend the worksheets and Excel spreadsheet from the Beachbody site. Keeping track of stuff will show you your improvement and motivate you more.
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    completed 2 rounds of p90x and i am 1/2 way through my 3rd round right now... P90X is an amazing workout... it is long but i look at it this way... if you were going to go to the gym you would spend at least 1 hour there so why should your at home workouts be any less time?

    i didnt have a whole lot of weight to lose when i started about 5lbs but i wanted it mostly to tone my body and gain muscle. i have had amazing results with p90x, its my go to workout.

    I suggest just giving it your all... there will be days that you just dont want to do it but DO IT anyways! you will never regret doing it but you will regret not doing it!

    if you dont see results soon just stick to it... it can take up to 3 weeks to start seeing changes in your body once you start working out. I have been doing this since Jan 2012, and there are sometimes 3-4 weeks where i think "WTH am i doing all this hard work for when i dont see any difference?!!" then right about the same week i start questioning myself something happens where i start seeing some change.... the close you get to your overall goal the longer it takes and the more work it takes to make a change!

    i didnt follow the nutrition guide as i already eat fairly clean and i also do ViSalus.... so i didnt feel the need to follow it. if you have a hard time with food then and suck at counting calories then you might want to consider following it.

    good luck, stay focused on your goal and you will achieve it!
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    I completed this about a month ago and I could not be happier with the results. (30 lbs in 90 days) I've never lifted in my life and I haven't been very active the past 20 yrs or so. Honestly, if I can do it, you can do it. I lost weight fast and really saw some results by Week 4. Find a time that works for you so you can get into a routine. For me, 6 am was the time that worked. I knew it had to be the 1st thing or it wasn't going to get done. I didn't turn on the TV, I didn't get the paper, I didn't check my email, I just went downstairs and worked out.
    Drink your protein; it really helped me with the recovery. Do the Ab Ripper every time, even when you're beat. I started only doing 10-15 reps instead of the 25; but I was doing all reps by the time the program finished. I didn't take Sunday's off--I did the XStretch because I needed it and I wanted to keep my routine.

    Good luck and remember you have lots of support. If you want to complete this, you will.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I tell alot of people I think it helps if you have a partner to do it with you. I think personally it helps you stay on track and you keep each other going. :) start out small, then continue to work gradually on up and don't be afraid to modify. by the time you hit your 3rd month you will be amazed at how much more you can do than at the beginning. I also didn't follow the nutrition guide to a T-just ate cleaner and added more protein supplements. i have done 3 rounds of it and currently am doing a hybrid of it with p90x2.
    good luck
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    We hear so much on MFP about if you're going to lift weights - go heavy with low reps.

    But when doing P90X, would you use a lighter weight and aim to keep going for the time as the folks do on the DVDs or is it best to stay with low reps high weight and aim to complete within the exercise time slot for that move?

    What is the aim of the weight training in P90X?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    We hear so much on MFP about if you're going to lift weights - go heavy with low reps.

    But when doing P90X, would you use a lighter weight and aim to keep going for the time as the folks do on the DVDs or is it best to stay with low reps high weight and aim to complete within the exercise time slot for that move?

    What is the aim of the weight training in P90X?

    Well, they say on the DVDs all the time aim to fail at 6-8 for size. 12-15 reps for endurance. You can do the DVDs with an appropriate weight to fail in the low rep range and skip forward through the talking and get a great workout in about 40-45 mins.

    Or you can train for muscular endurance and the DVDs take about an hour.

    It's really up to the person doing it what they want to extract from it.
  • It is a great workout! I have not finished the program ever. Make sure you watch your form and try not to go to fast or sloppy. If you can't do what they do, dont!!!!