Is it ok to have Lunch as the largest meal of the day?

I've been with this program for just over a month. First of all, I LOVE IT! I'm learning about my eating habits. There is one thing that is puzzling me. I've noticed that I want my largest meal to be lunch. I'm not talking calorie wise necessarily, but it is lunch time where I have the most desire to be full. I eat breakfast and dinner. I don't skip meals. But is it normal to want your largest meal for lunch?


  • AnjaZ89
    AnjaZ89 Posts: 235
    lunch is my main meal like forever!
    when i was a kid,we had a a big lunch and for dinner only bread and tea and some fruit.

    then i started gaining weight (that was when i didnt really eat a lot during the day but started eating at like 7pm)

    then when i started losing weight i switched it again (same like childhood) and booom bye bye overweight!

    i wouldnt worry too much about it, but for me it works really really well.
  • Tiffany083
    Tiffany083 Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you! I've noticed this since I was in elementary school... A very long time ago... lol I would pack what I should, but I was rarely full. Thank you for your comment, I'm starting to think I may have the same issue as you. I felt like eating a large dinner would contribute to my weight gain. I don't know for certain.
  • AnjaZ89
    AnjaZ89 Posts: 235
    well now its just a habit to me.

    i would have cereal and a smoothie or maybe a pita bread for breakfast.
    for lunch i have my plate fulll of rice, chicken/fish and veggies or a big side salad, most of the times i would have a small dessert (jogurt, a low cal brownie, fruit) like 30-60min later,
    in the evening i usually eat bread and tea, if im hungry i stock it up with a fresh homemade juice.

    i dont really think about it or plan it, its just normal to me and works well(since i lost 40lbs).

    i hope it does for you too ! :D

    iknow many people would have a huuuuge breakfast (i really cant eat that much in the morning), a normal lunch and a really tiny dinner. i just cant live with that concept !
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    It really doesn't matter when you have your largest meal, if you want to have it at lunchtime them go for it!!

    Whatever makes you feel better and more able to stick to good eating habits is the best idea. As long as your calorie intake is at the right level over the course of the day/week, you will be fine.

    Don't be too stressed about skipping the occasional meal either, it wont slow down your metabolism as some people say!
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    Lunch is almost always my largest meal, though that's mostly because I don't eat breakfast and workout fasted in the morning so I'm always starving come lunch time.
  • cem1976
    cem1976 Posts: 5 Member
    I like to eat a larger breakfast (with carbs and protein), a big lunch, and then a small dinner (half chicken breast, and lots of veggies). I try not to eat after dinner, but if I have to, I will have a protein shake mixed with water instead of milk.
    Good Luck!
  • Tiffany083
    Tiffany083 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks you everyone for your ideas! They all have been very helpful! :)