Have I left it too late

Always trying to lose weight, I manage it in fits and starts ;-( Anyway went for a beach workout on Saturday and it nearly killed me, felt really good after when my heart stopped feeling as though it was going to burst at any moment. But I thought to myself have I left it too late in life to try and get fit, give up smoking, lose weight. I have tried cutting down on the awful cigarettes and I try to move myself, nothing too much, just walking on the treadmill at the gym and the bike. burn about 350 to 400 cals when I go which I suppose is better than nothing. I tell you this if I had my time again 2 major things I would have done is never ever ever start smoking and thought more about my fitness, the years are going by too quickly now and I think about all the years I've wasted being lazy and not pushing myself.
Anyway this is a very self pitying post but I feel better for typing my thoughts down. Now off to the gym ;-)


  • 1_day_at_a_time
    You will quit..when you are ready! I have not picked up a smoke for over 7 months..one day at a time. It just depend on if you are truly ready :) Good luck!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    For me, quitting smoking wasn't about finding something I loved more than smoking. It was about finding something I hated more than the withdrawal symptoms. I hated the fact that I would find myself stalling in the middle of lift sets due to oxygen deprivation. I hated the fact that the smoking had turned me into a raging little sissy due to not being able to breathe properly...quite the opposite of that 'manly' appeal of the Marlboro man, eh?
  • PGilvarry
    It's. never too late! My aunt gave up cigarettes at 84! A year later she looks so much better, her face is pink and healthy again and she can get around much better. The minute you give up your health improves. It's really worth it, the best thing you can do to improve your health.
  • NocturnalGirl
    It is never too late. Never.

    Nothing is ever over until the moment you stop trying. So keep going!
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    You really have to want to give up smoking. I quit 2 days before my first son was born 2 years ago now. It took me another 2 years to care about my weight and fitness which brings me here now! If you think about it quitting smoking is easy, all you have to do is stop and thats it sorted, losing weight and getting fit takes thousands times more action and sacrifice than quiting smoking :)
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Never ever EVER too late. Ever.
