Skinny Mini 5-day detox program

Hi all,
I am starting this tomorrow, thought i would jot down a few notes about it so anyone else who is thinking about it could find info in the future :)
So three days watching a rugby tournament with a group of boys lends itself to a diet of beer, pizza, chips... you get the picture. I am looking forward to being back on track tomorrow but thought after this - my body would probably LOVE a detox! I have never done one before because they seem fairly extreme. Also I love food, there is no way I am drinking maple syrup and cayenne pepper for a week (or whatever it is).

I am starting Skinny Mini tomorrow morning. Also, I am in Australia, I don't know where else it is available. But it is nice and cheap and as far as detox's go seems pretty logical.
So, open minded, here we go.

It basically consists of eating clean for five days - no caffeine, alcohol, added sugar or salt, white flour products, oils, normal dairy (skim milk allowed), margerine, jams/biscuits/donuts/cake... you get the picture.

It encourages you to eat from a list of food (got this from their website) -
Low fat protein particularly grilled or steamed fish
Goat, sheep, soy, rice, skim or almond milk.
Cheese and Yoghurt made from soy, goat or sheep’s milk, with no salt or sugar.
All legumes – best to soak overnight before cooking.
All nuts and seed – almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds are best eaten in moderation.
All wholegrain, rolled oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, linseed meal, millet spelt etc., and wholemeal bread, wholemeal and spelt pasta, and brown rice – although avoid carbohydrates at dinner or later.
Tamari (reduced salt), tofu, tahini (unhulled is best – can be used as a spread in place of butter).
All sprouted seeds, grains and legumes – mung, alfalfa, mixed salad etc.
All raw and steamed vegetables (best to eat later in the day) and potatoes (not fried, and not for dinner or later).
All fresh fruits (avoid oranges and water melons).
Herbal seasoning, sea salt – use in place of table salt.
Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar (unfiltered) – mixed together can be used as salad dressing.
All fresh vegetable juices – water only in the first 5 days is preferable.
Herbal teas with water (Do not add milk or sugar)- green tea is the best.
All fresh fruits (avoid oranges and water melons).
Water – at least 8 glasses of unchilled water daily.

So. Really when I am trying to eat well, there is not much to change, except the caffeine.
Also I expect (insert:know) I have a HUGE beer/carb bloat going on so the weight result may be slightly biased.

The detox program is just mixing up a drink from a sachet before breakfast and lunch, and before bed, so 3x daily, for five days.
It contains -
Antioxidants - Goji Berry, Acai Berry, Cranberry, Green Tea
Fibre - Flaxseed Meal, Psyllium Husk, Apple Pectin, Inulin
Bone/immune system - Calcium Citrate, Bovine Whey Ig-rich Fraction

So basically it is an amalgamation of a whole bunch of buzz-word super-foods. (What!? No spirulina or chia seeds?!)

Ill let you know how it goes. Let me know your opinions or experiences with this or other detox's if you like!!

Welcome to add me also. Have a great day.


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    The food list sounds rather good.

    Why is this a detox? Or is the "It’s about as close to a magic health potion as you’re likely to get!" of plum powder somehow special at something other than thinning your wallet?

    ... and what are you detoxing from/of?

    If it is weight loss you are looking for - it's the calories in that count.

    I think you'll have a good week eating good food, nothing wrong with that. It's even better as a lifestyle - but there is no need to cut everything out.
  • natbeach
    Probably! But as I said its pretty cheap, I have wanted to try one... Bit of a change up to keep the motivation going.
    Detoxing from 3 full days of drinking and eating rubbish... big time. But just generally, its not going to hurt me since I will be eating as much as usual. Not looking for drastic weight loss I am more curious. I am losing weight with normal calories and tracking and will continue to do so while doing this :)

    Must admit curiosity also of clean eating... I have looked into it... a five day starter will give me an idea of what I can do to adjust my normal eating a little better :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    You know, I think you have the right attitude. Sometimes you just need a short program to see if it resets your habits. When I went on the first phase of the Dukan Diet and it taught me to appreciate vegetables! Also, to stay on track so I would never have to eat from the same limited amount of foods for 4 straight days again. I am all about the daily lifestyle now.

    Look forward to hearing about your 5 day "experiment". No sure you need the little packets of powder drink, but curious to hear how it goes.
  • missionPossibleIcan
    I am going to follow your journey. I am starting a cleanse next week! I am excited to try out new foods that I normally would never eat and hopefully will start enjoying them!

    Good Luck :)
  • natbeach
    Starting stats-
    171cm tall
    72.4 kg
    Bust 97
    Waist 80
    Hips/butt 105.5

    Haha the results of this boozy weekend have put me up almost 3kg since last week - which is not a surprise - so when my body gets rid of all that bloat you can imagine i will be feeling somewhat more comfortable.

    Ill check in each night on here.

  • Suevos
    Suevos Posts: 4 Member
    Good job Nats
    Easier to pull it in straight away then wait a couple of weeks - you'll be surprise how quickly it drops :):)
  • natbeach
    So, day one down!!

    The eating hasn't been hard, as I said its not too dissimilar to my normal eating. However I did miss having some chewing gum and definitely my can of coke zero at lunch!

    The drink itself smells pleasantly fruity and is in no way as disgusting as I expected. The powder turns the water a murky brown which doesn't look too tasty, and obviously changes the texture of the drink to being more like a juice. Its quite palatable, though, and I think I will quite enjoy them by the end.

    Things I noticed:
    I was not quite as peckish during the day like I usually am. However this could be a) I just wasnt hungry b) The skinny mini powder or c) completely in my head :D
    I don't like to write it but I did go to the bathroom more than usual. Noting of course that after the weekend and sheer quantity of food I had consumed... It had to happen sometime.
    I felt very bloated a couple of times during the day, which passed quickly. I guess that was the powder doing its thing to my digestive system.
    I did not get any nausea.

    So I ate a beautiful clean day (I don't think I have ever had a day where I have only had water and only eaten completely clean food... well as close to it anyway) and have just one drink to go before bed.

    Activity - 1 hour walking moderate pace, 45 minute step class.

    See you tomorrow for update 2!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Soy aside, the food list doesn't look too bad.
    Don't understand why it's called a "detox". It's basically reccommending healthy choices that you should be eating long term, not just for 5 days.

    Your body detoxes itself..
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    hi there, your detox sounds like south beach phase 1 x did wonders for me, Im now phase 2, however I dont miss breads,(so havn't reintroduced them you can if you want) so just continueing I do have fruit now with protein, to help the glyco spike. Hope it kicks those footy funtime cals for you. Im an aussie too goodluck :) add me if you like x
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    "detox" sounds a bit like a misnomer here. It's not a detox at all which is GOOD. Just a healthy, albeit restrictive, diet plan.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    EXACTLY what ilovedeadlift and love4fitness said!
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Nothing wrong with the list IMO. Healthy options that should be sustainable long term.

    I HATE the word detox. Mainly because every time I read it I fear the OP has accidentally ingested a vat of radioactive sludge.

    Your body 'detoxes' for you. Imagine that.
  • Lindseyelizabeth87
    Lindseyelizabeth87 Posts: 151 Member
    Okay okay pros- We get it, it's not a detox. It's marketed as one, got it.

    Now, I'm going to look forward to seeing how this goes for her. :)
  • natbeach
    Day two - check!

    The eating was good again today - another clean day - even though I got peckish I kept within my limits calorie wise and food-list wise.

    I didnt notice anything really new today, except that I was not in the bathroom quite as much. I had fewer periods of feeling randomly bloated, they did occur but not the same as yesterday.
    I felt quite full again during the day but a combination of having netball tonight and bored-grazing meant I ate a bit more. Also I am sticking to aiming for calorie goal, not cutting hardcore, and seeing how this goes.
    My face is a little more spotty today (I noticed in another blog I found this happened too) but its probably just from the weekend.

    They say, start noticing results by day three on the program.. we shall wait and see!! I am just curious to see if whole five days does anything.

    Activity - 75 min walking (in patches), and still have to bike to netball (40min) and play tonight.

    If anyone wants to add me and see my diary or just be friends - please do!

    See you tomorrow night. Same place? :P
  • niamhclem21
    niamhclem21 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi im new to this site and am doing the clean and lean diet at the minute. Our list of foods dont sound too dissimilar and im finding it okay now (day5). First 3 days i had a dreadful headache and felt very nauseous but that has all passed. Good luck and hope you continue to find it so easy x
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    hey nat, just a bit of support, as the others say its clean eating and really should be just how you live your life. But see how you go xx keep it up you'll love the change im sure xx
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    When I first started reading I was like "uh oh. This is gonna be bad." But after reading the food choices it sounds pretty close to what I would eat normally. Kudos.
  • natbeach
    Hey all - day three down.

    I totally see why people say its just clean eating, it basically is. But I think I don't find it so hard because I know its five days of being super strict then I know I can relax back to normal calorie - goal eating (maybe a few tweaks). Good luck niamhclem21 with committing to longer, your body will love you :)

    Eating was fine again today all clean. Though sometimes I am wary with my sugar... im not used to 3 serves of fruit daily. But hey its not chocolate :P and I eat more veges anyway I like the variety.

    Face clearer today.
    Nil feelings of bloat or anything.
    All I really noticed was I am not snacking quite as much as usual - at least not thinking about it all the time!!

    I don't know if my mind is biased noticing changes but I have noticed I lost my bloaty post-holiday rubbish feeling quicker than normal. Im feeling pretty good!! I may or may not be seeing a slight change in the mirror (ie bloat decreased) but as I say, will wait and see if there are any proper results after day five!

    Its been surprising actually apart from day one I havent missed my fizzy drinks or gum. Which is great because I know I have needed to cut down on the diet fizzy for a while now.

    Its been great I have never had rye bread before... smushed banana on rye toast with cinnamon? YUM! (I know this is not at all down to the 'detox' part but the different foods list but still worth a mention).

    Activity - Biking 60 minutes.

    Catch you tomorrow. Have a good one!!
  • natbeach
    So four down one to go. Honestly, this is not as hard as I expected, sticking to this food list. Do I (shock horror) actually sort of enjoy clean eating? Heavens!! Now that I know I can, I might strive for a cleaner diet.

    So not too much to report - got my three detox drinks in.

    No noted side effects. Skin a lot clearer than I would usually expect in the week after drinking/eating like I had.

    There may be a change in my energy levels - not like the I WANT TO WORKOUT LIKE CRAZY energy but I havent noticed my 1.30pm sleepy slump quite so much these last few days. I think this may have something to do with cutting my diet soda can from lunch. Can only be a good thing.

    Scraping the pantry to make tomorrow clean. Should be good, and Sunday morning (after finishing detox saturday night) I will weigh and do measurements. Who knows. Regardless of detox results its been a damn good few days of food and exercise :)

    Exercise - 60 mins walking and 45 minute gymstick class

    Will update tomorrow night.One day to go! :D
  • nikteazer2
    nikteazer2 Posts: 42 Member
    Your list sounds pretty much like my everyday menu!! :bigsmile: