first week and already been over calorie intake twice.

i never used to have a problem with weight, i used to smoke and when i gave up, food became my addiction. before i knew it in a year and a half i had ballooned 4 dress sizes. i'm trying to cut down food but i am finding it very hard. any suggestions from people would be greatly appreciated, good luck to you all on here and have a good week.


  • maxmouse24
    drink 8 oz of water 30 min before you eat. you will less.
  • CathyIngramDaigle
    Just keep trying, I was over my calorie intake a couple of times too. I look at it this way, to get in this shape I was over on intake most of the time so now if I fall off the horse I am just gonna get back on - the more we try the easier it has to get. Plus as we go we will probably soon know what foods are gonna have high calorie count and can make wiser choices. Almost all real foods are lower in calore count than the processed ones and I learned this week that fast food is calorie packed!! :-(
  • mumtoadiva
    mumtoadiva Posts: 9 Member
    thankyou xx will definately try this x
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    That is 5 victories. Do not beat yourself up over a day or two of excess calories. This is a long term proposition and you wuill go crazy if you live and die over day to day results. Good luck in your journey!
  • mumtoadiva
    mumtoadiva Posts: 9 Member
    i know what you mean by fast food i was going to have my usual friday night pizza takeaway and i was in shock at the calorie's i would of consumed but i opted not to eat pizza but my choice ended up being just as bad( whipped cream :-). thankyou for sharing.. and i wish success in the future. xx
  • mumtoadiva
    mumtoadiva Posts: 9 Member
    thankyou soo much for your support x its nice to be around people that actually know what youre going through. xxx
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    this is normal for your first week -- you are chjanging things up and you have to adjustto that. Dont beat yourself up --- you will get into the new habits soon enough.
  • tonifeltman
    tonifeltman Posts: 1 Member
    I think that some days you will be more hungry than others. If you are really hungry when you eat...I would not worry about it.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    You should, just for kicks, log a day of what you WOULD have eaten before you joined MFP. Just a typical day of all the sutff (all of it: even condiments can be calorie-laden).

    Then compare that day to your "Bad days" this week. I am guessing you will find even though you were not perfect, you are doing better than you were. Progress is slow and you can't get hung up and obsess on the overages. Just do better tomorrow.
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over going over your calorie a couple of times. Just look at your diary and see where you can cut back for the next day. This calorie counting business takes a bit of getting used to. Stick with it and you'll see results.

    Feel free to send me a friend request
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    Take a peek in others food diaries for ideas and inspirations, I love seeing what others eat that have lost weight, also cruise the recipe section.

    I know in my mobile app on ipad I can look at the week in total, which is helpful to see the sometimes it averages out for the week. Not sure if you use the website exclusively.
  • watcheronthewall
    I think people think that their first week needs to be perfect or they have failed but it's probably most likey to be one of the hardest. I wouldn't worry too much it seems like you're doing ok if it's only a couple of days. Just keep going and you'll get in to your stride.
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    Give yourself some time to adjust to your new way of living. Some habits are hard to break. Soon enough healthy eating will become second nature. The trick is to not let one meal or day of bad choices be an excuse to throw in the towel for the whole process.

    You can do it. One day at a time.
  • annehart00
    You should, just for kicks, log a day of what you WOULD have eaten before you joined MFP. Just a typical day of all the sutff (all of it: even condiments can be calorie-laden).

    Then compare that day to your "Bad days" this week. I am guessing you will find even though you were not perfect, you are doing better than you were. Progress is slow and you can't get hung up and obsess on the overages. Just do better tomorrow.

    That is such an awesome idea!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    When I first started, I mostly used the food diary to track what I was eating to see where I needed to make changes. Don't stress so much about sticking to your goal for the first week or two -- try to stick to it, but if you go over, just look at what you ate and see where you could have made different choices. Use it more as a learning tool in the beginning.

    Good luck!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Planning your meals and calories before eating them will definitely help you with going over the calories.. the only time ive gone over is when I dont plan a days meals..
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    It took me a good few weeks to settle into the logging and planning ...
    I found that having more protein at breakfast and a soup at lunch kept me feeling fuller longer - so not as much snacking which helped enormously.

    I let go at the weekends, and combined with being much more active than I was when I started, the weight has been gradually coming off...
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    That's how we all learn about ourselves. Just don't give up or beat yourself up. REALLY! Learning is power,and you did wonderful all the other days! It is hard work but so very worth it!
  • Alford96
    OK, OK, I really don't mean to be snarky but my first thought was "ONLY 2 days!" :laugh: My first few weeks on MFP, I went over nearly every day! But when I compared it to what I had been eating like, it was still pretty good. Here lately, I have gone over (sometimes WAAAAY over) but I just start out fresh the next day. Habits are hard to break, you'll get there. Don't beat yourself up, just stay as consistent as you can and know that sometimes are gonna be harder than others and if you don't do so good one day, there's always tomorrow.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    Planning your meals and calories before eating them will definitely help you with going over the calories.. the only time ive gone over is when I dont plan a days meals..

    Good mention. I forget that other people don't do this, so I never think to say it. It helps ENORMOUSLY because then you know if you stick to the plan, you're ok, and you don't end up with no calories left, just eating a banana for dinner so as not to go over.