activities you associate with food



  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Sitting at my desk at the office, with a to-do list that's too long. I ate out of boredom and stress to slow my thoughts down and help me organize my workload. Now I'm trying to take a little walk around or drink water or tea instead. The office is hard - someone is always giving me food.
  • litaita
    litaita Posts: 29 Member
    "I enjoy the vodka more than food." fbmandy55 This is awesome!

    I like to snack binge while I do my schoolwork. Found that if I start a timer and do X minutes without snacking that can get me going on the assignment and I don't need the snack so much.
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Being bored = raiding the fridge/cabinet/kitchen drawers for something. Anything.
    Exchange "bored" with lazy and you get the idea for my situation...

    I've started cleaning and reorganizing my home when I get bored and feel like being lazy just slouching on the couch. If I do sit down, I have to do something like I do right now, typing, reading news online etc. If I watch tv it's pretty much the same as sitting being bored with my hands idle.

    My salvation has been getting the house in order. I could probably have knitted some sweaters or whatnot if I could knit but the whole idea is that I don't sit down just to sit. And I burn more kcals too this way, double win :wink: though I still struggle when I'm tired, sick, or just want to relax for a while.. drinking water helps a lot..
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I do sample some of the "forbidden fares" if someone tells me it is amazing...why waste calories on mediocre high cal. foods.

    completely agree. if i'm going to have a high cal'll be a damn good one ;)

    Thirded. I'll hit the gym if it's yummy enough to eat.
  • fairyT83
    fairyT83 Posts: 34 Member
    Defo reading for me, I like to read with a cuppa n bikkies :frown:
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    For me...bowling and going to the movies. Both activities necessitate some sort of snack.

    Also oft times, sunday afternoon football. If the kids are napping and we're just watching football, I feel the need to break out chips and a soda for some reason.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Carnivals. I don't eat any of the freaky deep fried snickers/twinkies/etc (never cared to try it) but I find it hard to not want some chili fries, a corn dog, fresh lemonade, funnel cakes, etc. I go to at least 1-2 carnivals a year though so I am learning to cope!

    The only thing that helps is that I neverrrr eat until I'm done riding all of the rides (usually takes a few hours) to avoid the risk of puking.
  • Going to the movies is one of the toughest for me. I try to go around lunch/dinner, and I take a bag of turkey jerky in with me. It's super low fat, high protein, and a great meal replacement. Sometimes it's not about removing the food, its just about proper planning.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member

    Movie theater = popcorn w/ butter. Still can't resist but I try to make it fit into my daily plan better.

    Driving = snacking. I'm doing much better at this one - nuts or a protein bar to keep me awake and I need much less of those than worse-for-you snacks.