I REALLY need help I've put on 3 stone in 8 months....

I was diagnosed with having endometreosis in June after spending 9 days in hospital and having an operation, I then was off work 5 weeks, then in August I had a second operation to remove most of it and I am just waiting for the date of my next operation to remove the rest so taking alot of tablets and unable to do any fitness or go to the gym.

Since all of thisd (around February) I have gone from 8 stone to over 11 stone which is the heaviest I have ever been. I also use to go to the gym 5 days a week and now unfortunately can't until after my next operation.....really could do with some friends and help....


  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello & welcome.

    This sounds VERY familiar. I too have endometriosis, and I have also had surgery this year and found it soooooo hard to lose weight. What with the increased pain when exercising, the days when I can't move much at all and when I'm drugged up to the eyballs it is difficult to keep active.

    Friend request sent your way!

    P.S there is a group on here for endo ladies :o)