Stop Stealing My Wheels

OK, so I did three sets at my work weight this morning on bench. Twice I had to ask different people to please put my wheel back on, as for whatever reason they decided my loaded barbell was a good place to take a 45 instead of, well, anywhere else you could find one.



  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    OK, so I did three sets at my work weight this morning on bench. Twice I had to ask different people to please put my wheel back on, as for whatever reason they decided my loaded barbell was a good place to take a 45 instead of, well, anywhere else you could find one.

    STOP IT!

    LOL! I take it your gym has a culture of people not stripping their bars when done? Thankfully culture where I work out is people do rerack their weights.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    We actually do, but there can only be three wheels on any peg because we have these oversize plastic covered weights with handles built in, so when they see three wheels on the bar, they think it's the peg (my guess). Both were honest mistakes by good people who aren't ever annoying, but I gave them a good natured ribbing anyway.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    So when are you going to tell us the other half of this story, Jason? The part where you're supersetting 4 exercises and you left the bench press to do some dumbbell inclines and then went to do some cable flyes and pushups.

    I've never seen anyone take a plate off a bench press when someone was actually sitting on it in between sets. Or are you invisible?
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Hey now, the first one was while I was putting a weight on the other side. The second one was when I was getting a spotter. I only leave the squat rack or DL bar loaded when I need to 'unload' before a heavy set, never the bench. And who sits on the bench in between sets? I gotta get up and shake it out.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    So when are you going to tell us the other half of this story, Jason? The part where you're supersetting 4 exercises and you left the bench press to do some dumbbell inclines and then went to do some cable flyes and pushups.

    I've never seen anyone take a plate off a bench press when someone was actually sitting on it in between sets. Or are you invisible?

    lol, ya i never leave my spot.