First place you noticed getting smaller ?



  • fattypattybinger
  • Alford96
    my thighs, then my upper arms and collar bone, then my face. FINALLY starting to notice the belly some.
  • CaoimheAine
    My waist
  • allnaday
    allnaday Posts: 54 Member
    my boobs, the only area i WAS NOT big.
  • jennajocummings
    My belly... Then face... Then boobs =(
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I would say my face... then probably my thighs and ribs. My stomach and breasts were the last to shrink! But they did, thank goodness.
  • jollygreencc
    jollygreencc Posts: 14 Member
    From what study I've done, it sounds like the body sheds fat from the head and toes inward. That's why many times you'll notice in your face/neck and your legs/arms and that's why it takes forever to lose the belly. The body is looking to hold onto fat around your vital organs.
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    stomach, face, upper body and butt, in that order. Kinda wondering if my thighs will ever decide to leave....:tongue::sad:
  • nmf062174
    nmf062174 Posts: 171 Member
    My boobs-I wish it would fall this easy from my stomach area.
  • Rmazula
    Rmazula Posts: 58 Member
    My face. My stomach is usually the last thing to go (which happens to be the most problem area!)
  • mcpjan
    mcpjan Posts: 76 Member
    For me it was my stomach and face. At least that is what everyone tells me.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    Boobs and feet
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    Sadly, it's always my tatas...
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    my face
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    Hands, feet and neck (?) lol
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    My boobs :grumble:

    Ditto :ohwell:
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    My stomach and butt (unfortunately on the butt part). I have no *kitten* when I'm thin.
  • sweetkeys
    sweetkeys Posts: 81 Member
    stomach and face
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    On a G rated note: my legs. Looking back at pics I had NO idea they were that big!!!! My aunt and I are very similar in appearance and I can tell she puts on her weight in her legs a lot like I do. Not so much in the stomach, thats always the same i guess.

    On a PG note: my rear end. Started to be able to fit into chairs more easily. Like a movie theatre seat or an airplane seat.

    On a PG-13 note: My chest (went from a D to a B =/). The look of my shirts changed. And look a collar bone!

    On a R note: Things "down under" were, ugh, less cushy? And lets just say undies looked a lot different too lol.
  • chrisa8170
    chrisa8170 Posts: 466 Member
    I first noticed it on my waist but that was probably because i kept having to pull my trousers up :embarassed: , others noticed it in my face first but as I see my ugly mug every day I couldn't really see it.