Whey protein for breakfast?

Hi All:

I am a vegetarian and I weigh around 153 lbs & 5'4" tall. My goal is to lose 30 lbs. I am just starting to get an idea of how to eat and I have my macros set to 30/40/30 = P/C/F which amounts to 120 g of protein on 1600 calorie diet. I started having a scoop of whey protein (25 g) with low-fat milk/ water along with a toast or a banana everyday. Also, I am lifting weights thrice a week. Can someone tell me is it ok to have whey everyday? I drink a lot of water 14 - 16 cups everyday.Also, is the goal weight achievable if I follow this diet & excercise? I am new to this type of eating, so I am sorry If i am asking the same kind of questions.. Any advise is totally appreciated!
Edit - Though I mentioned I am a vegetarian, I do eat eggs & diary but no meat & seafood.


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Can someone tell me is it ok to have whey everyday?

    Its ok to have whey every day
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Yes, whey is ok to have everyday to help you meet your protein goals for the day.
  • Yeah it's fine, side effect is that you'll probably just fart more :embarassed:
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Yep, every day is just fine. I drink a shake with whey protein 1-2 times a day, every single day.
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    Can someone tell me is it ok to have whey everyday?

    Its ok to have whey every day

    I do have whey everyday. I put it in my breakfast shakes because I don't have time to eat "real" food.