How do you offset an indulgent weekend?



  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I usually go under about 100 calories a day for a few days but mostly because after I've indulged like that I'm not as hungry. It's like there was something my body specifically wanted when I do that and it's over it. I keep on working out like I normally would.
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    Since I’m not within 10lbs of my goal weight I have an apple for lunch on Mondays after a weekend.
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    Just pick back up with your routine. One weekend of overindulging is not going to derail the progress you have made over many months.
  • been285
    been285 Posts: 99 Member
    accept what you did.

    try and make good choices today.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    My meals for the next few days will look like this:

    Breakfast - Yogurt or fruit. Perhaps if I'm really hungry, yogurt and muesli.
    Lunch - Big-@$$ salad with grilled meat
    Snacks - Maybe some nuts or a banana
    Dinner - Healthy soup/chili or grilled meat and steamed vegetables

    I'll also make sure I go for a run or a long bike ride.
    Then I feel damn good within a day or two.
  • EmilyGetsSkinny95
    EmilyGetsSkinny95 Posts: 54 Member
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    I don't track my calories on the weekends. I need that time to be guilt free about what I eat or drink (gotta have my microbrews). The weekend is also when I am the most active (biking, hiking, yardwork, etc...) so I usually burn it off anyways. I am very careful about what I eat during the rest of the week. You need to have a day of excessve calories as well as a day of fasting everyonce in awhile. Your body needs the variation or your weight loss will hit a plateau.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    thanks for all the posts! I'm not feeling guilty at all, was just curious what everyone did. I was actually away for 4 days, and it resulted in a 3.5 lb gain. I know most of that is water so I'm not stressed about it....the only minor disappointment was that I had gotten within 8 lbs of my goal before I left and I know it will take me most of the week to get back to the same. LOL Oh, and then I've got a big Italian wedding coming up this Saturday!! :D

    I guess I'll just keep doing what I normally do without jumping all over the place with calorie counts, etc. Keeping it simple has been the best way for me to move towards the goals I have set in place for me!

    Thanks everyone!