London Gal loosing lbs slowly!

Hey Everyone,

Just thought I would say Hi.

I have just joined as need somewhere to keep track of what i was eating; this site is brilliant!

Only just started so got a long way until my goal end date in February!!



  • goldengodd3ss
    goldengodd3ss Posts: 47 Member
    Hi hear you girl!
    I'm slowly losing using MFP, but at least I'm losing safely and consistently. I've been using MFP since Feb 2012 and would be pleased to be your friend so that we can encourage each other to reach our goals!
  • JoJoN28
    JoJoN28 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello helloo

    I too am a chubby in London! I have just weighed myself and although I knew it wasn't great I didn't think it was THAT bad! I have at least 3 stone to lose which seems momentous. I can't seem to break this pattern of taking some weight off then putting it back on and then some.

    Not sure how to start! Will you plan your diet for tomorrow or just track as you go?
  • Mrs_Me
    Mrs_Me Posts: 24 Member
    Add me! Add me!

    I've just started using this site again and could do with all the help I can get!

    I can be a good motivator!
  • JoJoN28
    JoJoN28 Posts: 3 Member
    How do we add each other? Strike that! Have amazed myself and worked it out!