Changes you have made



  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I started excercising and eating salad for lunch instead of sandwiches. I find that the much longer munching time associated with salad satisfies me much more then easy-bite sandwiches. Even if the salad is overall lower in calories.
  • clew77
    clew77 Posts: 34
    Amazing to see what everyone has given up or changes they have made :) I want to make another change now, this has inspired me !! ... will think about what though :)
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Lifestyle changes are definitely critical no t just to weight loss, but to maintaining it. I few I made that worked well for me:

    1. Stopped drinking diet soda. Now I only drink water, tea, and black coffee (sort of similar to the OP, but coffee is an essential part of my diet).

    2. Stopped snacking on processed carbs. I still eat bread, pasta, etc., but only as part of my major meals. No more eating a bunch of pretzels or cereal at 10:30pm. If I want a snack, it's usually going to be fruit or something with a lot protein.

    3. Started eating a lot more protein!