No BINGES for the rest of the year SUPPORT GROUP



  • Gatominx
    Gatominx Posts: 61 Member
    This totally sounds like me! I do great for a while, see results, then off the rails I go!
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    What are you defining a "binge" as?? A 4000 calorie over week? A gobbling up of 3-4 mini Kit Kat bars?! or what? I'm pretty good most of the time but I do enjoy a KitKat bar or 3 in the evenings on the weekends and I do enjoy a couple glasses of wine or beers on this night or, what exactly is a binge to you? With the "binges" I've mentioned, I'm still staying within 200 calories of my goal, one way or the other. Some days I'm 8-900 calories short...with binges! Please define what you mean.
  • gingersnapx00
    OK I have the same issues. Right now Halloween candy is killing me. ITS EVERYWHERE! I refuse to buy any until the day before b/c I binge on sweets. The worst part of it is that I love to bake and am very good at it and now I have to do it in extreme caution not to over eat what I make. Its really hard. I'm doing good if I only binge once a month. I do eat sweets everyday, but its within the calorie budget so I wont binge and so far its worked for 2 months! I've lost 11 lbs too! But I dont allow trigger foods in my house either. And if I bake something I eat one and make everyone eat it and make them take it to work. Then I get told how awesome I am and its a win win situation :) I learned to binge at an early age and do it mostly when I'm stressed out or upset. Now I know why and when I see it coming I log in and start talking to people or reading success stories and eat fruit to take the edge off. But I think the key to less binges is to allow yourself a controlled ration and the cravings to want to binge are less. Its challenging and I'm not sure if it ever goes away for good....but I'm working on finding out! If this was helpful...keep in touch. Its nice to know I'm not the only one!
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    This sounds great! Count me in. I have a hard time with binging after doing super well for a few weeks and its stalling my weightloss.
  • lmcadam2
    I would love to join too! I used to have a big issue with binging.... I did so well for a while and now I have seen some of those behaviors come back and I don't want them to! I would love some support :)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    A binge for me would be losing mental control of trying moderate what I eat. So a period of time, usually an afternoon, of which I pretty much eat everything I can fit in my stomach... because "I'm allowed". Definitely more along the 4k calorie variety.
  • NocturnalGirl
    Hey, I'd like to join :) When I started trying to recover from my ED, I did quite a bit of binging which led to weight gain.

    What usually helps is if you don't deprive yourself of the foods you like. If you like something, don't leave it out of your diet because when you do eat it, the binge will most likely occur then. It's better to just fit it into your calories and macros
  • Km2004
    Km2004 Posts: 1
    Glad you started this post. Feeling pretty sad bc today and yesterday I've eaten so bad... Fried food and sweets :( I've been working for a good couple months to start eating better and I lost about ten lbs then gained about 3-4 in the past week :(. I'm the maid of honor in a wedding in 4 weeks and just really wanted to feel pretty and look at our family pics and not hate how I look.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    But..but...what about Thanksgiving and Christmas? You're not counting those two days, right?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Alright, everyone that posted so far, I tried to invite you to join the group! Sorry if I messed up a name or something, it totally wasn't on purpose!!

    Group is here:

    Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • newme1850
    newme1850 Posts: 16 Member
    I can definitely relate. I can do well for several weeks, and then I pig out to cope with emotional issues. Sometimes i go off track for days before I can reel myself in.

    I generally try to avoid binging by keeping certain foods out the house - i live alone so thats not a prob. But when i'm really sad or stressed out, or feeling overwhelmed, i'll stuff myself - im talking like DOUBLE my day's calories or even more sometimes :(

    Its really embarassing to admit, and I'm hoping we can help keep each other on track. Good luck to everyone!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Just wanted to bump this thread, incase there were any new bingers that want to join our group! We count in # of days binge free on mondays.