Hello Everyone....New Member

cwelsh Posts: 12 Member
Hello Everyone,

I found this site via my iphone app, and i must say i am impressed by the sheer knowledge and friendlyness of the people here. Hopefully i can join you guys and make some great new friends and provide all the motivationa and support i have received and also provide some insight from my own personal experiences.

I suppose i'll just add a quick bio. I am a 23 year old IT grad who is looking to lose about 25 pounds (so i'll be down to 175. I am down 6 pounds from my original weight of 198 so far!) so i'll just be a little healthier. I guess i began the weight loss program because i saw how messed up a heart can get from years of being overweight, and i want to try to prevent this while i am still young.

if anyone would like to be friends then be sure to add me.



  • 100togo2010
    Welcome! I just joined this site today and so far I'm loving it.
    Good luck!
  • HelloSunshine
    Hey Chris!
    I think you will love it here :)
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Welcome, and good luck to you on your weight loss venture! There's tons of motivation and support here. Have a great day!