Eating Out



  • _Sara_A_
    _Sara_A_ Posts: 113 Member
    I tend to like going to Vietnamese, Thai, or Chinese restaurants where you get Satay Chicken/Pork/Beef/Shrimp with veggies and rice. It's easy to divide in half to take home for leftovers.
  • farroz
    farroz Posts: 51 Member
    This is true in my household also. I order soups alot and then I take a small portion of my boyfriends fries. That way I get a taste of them but dont eat them all. And a burger without cheese and mayonaise is not so bad in calories.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I travel 26 days out of a month ie I'm home one weekend a month. So eating out can be difficult. I dine alone most times especially dinner so I can easily say no bread basket. Ask the server to bring only enough so each person receives one except for you. Partake in a salad instead of an appetizer. If you do get chips and a dip, count the chips which are usually about 10 or LESS per serving. Don't eat the dip. I usually drink water with lemon and try to finish a glass before my entree comes. Order to veggies or if you have a sweet tooth like me order a baked sweet potatoe with cinnamon. Since you are not a fish fan, try baked chicken or lamb. I'm not a steak person. I usually end up bring half or more of my dinner back to my hotel room. Good luck
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Review nutrition menu before you go out. Usually some good choices can be found. Be wary of the sodium as well. Good meals can often be loaded with sodium.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    I go out to eat frequently fact, since my BF and I have been together (12 years) we have gone out to eat at least 3 sometimes 4 times per week...unfortunately, over the years I put on about 50 lbs doing this, but I ate whatever I wanted...2 years ago, I said enough, and started my weight loss journey...using a diet protein powder once a day and eating sensibly the rest of the time, I was able to lose about 30 lbs....what I'm doing now, however is keeping my early part of the day light, so that I can partake of the dinner out...I do usually get the soups because of the nutrition in them...I usually don't get salads because of the lack of nutrients in the lettuce that is usually in them,,,,I get baked potatoes occasionally and eat the peal as well, I do have butter and sour cream, but I ask for it on the side, so I can use how much I want,,,,if I eat the bread, I NEVER put spread on it.... when I first started on here, I think that I got tangled up in all the foods and calories that I ended up going over my calorie goal for a couple weeks, before I got myself together...I don't get much exercise because I have a high energy desk hands and arms work overtime, but I don't have much chance to get up and move around....I am a medical biller by trade, and work in a very busy office....sometimes, I go out for dinner on my way home just to relax and recover my energy.....I may be losing slowly, but that is the best way....everytime I see my doctor, once a month, I have lost at least 2 lbs...she is happy with that....

    since I started eating light in the early part of the day, I am keeping close to my goal calories ...and still able to eat out...and have whatever I want...
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Eat whatever IIFYM. I eat out probably 10x/week, and have 0 problems.