WTF Sugars??

How in the #$%@ am I supposed to NOT go over on my "sugars" ??? If I eat an apple and use a teaspoon of honey in my tea, I'm basically already at my maximum! It's not like I'm pouring refined white sugar straight down my throat, or even chowing down on Poptarts or cake, It's just the natural sugars that are found in HEALTHY foods. Any suggestions? Other than just ignoring that section of my dietary guidelines... Idk what else to do!


  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Depends on your goals. Some will suggest to disregard the sugars if you are eating healthy foods. Others will tell you to replace your fruits with more meat and veggies.

    What is your goal?
  • Nimiko
    Nimiko Posts: 52
    I feel the same way! 80-90% of the time I end up going over due to natural sugars. I love fruit and veggies! They ALL have sugars.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    If it comes from fruit ignore it - if it comes from cake and poptarts then watch it.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    If it comes from fruit ignore it - if it comes from cake and poptarts then watch it.

    There is a sensor in your stomach that detects if its poptart sugar
    If its poptart sugar you'll become obese
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    If it comes from fruit ignore it - if it comes from cake and poptarts then watch it.

    There is a sensor in your stomach that detects if its poptart sugar
    If its poptart sugar you'll become obese

    whoa... really? that is AWESOME
  • Summerful
    Summerful Posts: 46 Member
    If its coming from natural foods like fruit, I wouldn't worry much about it. Just stay active if you feel like you are consuming too much.
  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    If it comes from fruit ignore it - if it comes from cake and poptarts then watch it.

    There is a sensor in your stomach that detects if its poptart sugar
    If its poptart sugar you'll become obese

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Sugar is a carb.. if carb is moderate then sugar is fine. Just aim to get them from fruits.
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    News flash.....Sugar alone doesnt make you fat...PERIOD. Stop worrying about sugar and watch how many calories you ram in your mouth thats what actually matters
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    How in the #$%@ am I supposed to NOT go over on my "sugars" ??? If I eat an apple and use a teaspoon of honey in my tea, I'm basically already at my maximum! It's not like I'm pouring refined white sugar straight down my throat, or even chowing down on Poptarts or cake, It's just the natural sugars that are found in HEALTHY foods. Any suggestions? Other than just ignoring that section of my dietary guidelines... Idk what else to do!

    there's a lot of answers to your question. a number of people would say eat 1 piece of fruit a day and have artificial sweetener in your tea/coffee or drink something with no added sugar. some would say that you can increase your sugar intake in your settings on MFP as long as its under the daily ammount one should have in a healthy diet, or perhaps lower than that, but still more than the very restrictive numbers that MFP comes up with.

    I've had this conundrum too. if I ate fruit it would go over by quite a lot as the number was pretty low. I think meeting your micronutrient goals is important, but what is more important is a sustainable diet that works in the long term. also this brings up the important question of your BMR and how you calculated your deficit. if you just put in what you want to loose a week into my fitness pal, this may be too low and it would pay to get your BMR from or somewhere like that and then minus 20% or something like that. the MFP calculation isn't foolproof and its important to check for yourself what a healthy deficit is for you.

    personally I go over my sugar intake quite regularly up to 15 or so grams a day, but I would rather eat fruit in my diet and feel good about having a balanced diet than feel that I'm missing out on something healthy. I've stayed under my calorie goals and usually only eat half the fat and I'm loosing weight just fine, so unless you are planning on eating a box of apples it should be fine.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sugar is just a subset of carbs. Unless you have a medical condition that requires you to specifically limit, there is no need to track separately.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    How in the #$%@ am I supposed to NOT go over on my "sugars" ??? If I eat an apple and use a teaspoon of honey in my tea, I'm basically already at my maximum! It's not like I'm pouring refined white sugar straight down my throat, or even chowing down on Poptarts or cake, It's just the natural sugars that are found in HEALTHY foods. Any suggestions? Other than just ignoring that section of my dietary guidelines... Idk what else to do!

    Then stop tracking sugars separate from carbohydrate totals. Sugar and starch are both just carbohydrates. They both eventually get converted to glucose and metabolised in roughly the exact same amount of time. Just track your % Carbs, Pro, and Fat and focus on choosing moslty whole foods.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i don't eat a lot of sweets, but i tons of fruit. so i stopped tracking sugar, and started tracking fiber instead.

    i read once how the sugar from fruit is pretty much negated by it's fiber. so i'm good.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Unless you have a medical reason to watch your sugar intake (ie: you're diabetic), why bother?

    I haven't tracked sugar...ever. I'm good.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    i don't eat a lot of sweets, but i tons of fruit. so i stopped tracking sugar, and started tracking fiber instead.

    i read once how the sugar from fruit is pretty much negated by it's fiber. so i'm good.

    The sugar in fruit is in no way "negated by it's fiber". But, that doesn't mean it's bad for you either. Don't want to spread anymore nutrition related misinformation if we can help it. Right?
  • AnnMombourquette
    I am a diabetic and have to watch my sugars. However, I never follow them on here as I eat healthy to fit into my plan, which includes fruit, and as long as I`m eating healthy, that`s fine with me. I also go over on my proteins, and am lower on my carbs because MY body doesn`t handle carbs and the protein fills me and helps to balance my diabetes. It`s really an individual thing.
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    Gotta love bro science.

    Someone said the basic: sugar = carbs = sugar. Depending on the kind of diet you follow, this is either a non issue, or a big issue.

    If you're thinking of a paleo-type diet, it's a no no. Some say since it's not processed, it's not a big deal, some say a whole bunch of different things.

    It boils down to, find a happy balance to where you can still lose weight. It's typically recommended to keep your CARBS below/around 300g/day... eat more meat and veggies and that shouldn't be an issue. Just make sure whatever you do WORKS for you.
  • Evelyneh
    I feel the same way! Most of what I eat is fruit... Fruit with a low glycemic index, as well. I kind of take MFP with a grain of salt... Obviously I shouldn't be eating like 40 apples a day, but being afraid that fruit will make you fat due to the natural sugars is pretty stupid too. Don't eat Twinkies, that's...pretty much it. I've lost 50 lbs and I'm continuing to lose weight, fruit can't be all that bad for me. :P
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i don't eat a lot of sweets, but i tons of fruit. so i stopped tracking sugar, and started tracking fiber instead.

    i read once how the sugar from fruit is pretty much negated by it's fiber. so i'm good.

    The sugar in fruit is in no way "negated by it's fiber". But, that doesn't mean it's bad for you either. Don't want to spread anymore nutrition related misinformation if we can help it. Right?

    i didn't meant it like it's a double negative or anything.

    it's more like, "eh, the fiber makes you poop, so the sugar aint so bad."
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    There is a sensor in your stomach that detects if its poptart sugar
    If its poptart sugar you'll become obese
