Vending Machines at Work

Do you have vending machines in your office or workplace? Soda/snacks? What about healthy alternatives like or another?

We have a soda machine and the HealthyVending idea was shot down as being too expensive. I'm hoping to hear a success story on vending machines!


  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    I am really lucky I work for Dole Foods we have a free vending maching with fresh fruit and fruit cups in it and a great canteen with only healthy options...

    They even put out hummus and crudites as a free snack in the afternoon.

    You can still eat to much but it is all good they won't even serve drink with sugar in the soda fountain
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    We have traditional vending machines with soda, candy, cookies, etc. The only thing with any real nutritional value are the peanuts. I know this, but I frequently still wander in there to look, hoping there might be something healthy! I have not heard of healthy vending, but I am going to look into it!
  • I worked for a very short while at a food company that gave out free ice-cream in the vending machine.
    I gained so much weight working there, luckily it was only a short-term thing.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I WISH we had a vending machine with healthy options in it at work! Unfortunately, ours is filled with nothing but Doritos, candybars and other crap :grumble:
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    Mine has famous amos cookies, does that count? We get "break bucks" (vending machine money) for attending meetings but I almost never go to meetings just because I don't want the temptation.
  • We have a soda machine, a chips/snack machine and one machine that has sandwiches in the top with better choices (fresh fruit, canned fruit, milk, veg tray, etc) on the bottom. The better choices are really expensive compared to the "fast convenient" food. Calories are posted for review to make an informed decision.
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    We had a healthy foods vending machine for 1 month. It had 4 items in it. They took it out this weekend. Its a shame it wasnt filled with heathy options. This hospital has the most unhealthy foods.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    The vending machines at my work have chips, cookies, chocolate bars and gum. For drinks, has pop, sports drinks and water. I wish we would had ones that have more of a healthier selection.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I buy candy out of ours and enjoy every minute of it
  • kateowp
    kateowp Posts: 103 Member
    The vending machines where I work are the portal to hell.
  • I find vending machines for the most part to be a waste of money and calories, why not just bring a snack from home? Apples and peanut butter is a great snack, so is yogurt and fruit, even your own container of almonds or something would be better.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Here's the stuff we keep in stock here:
    adagio unsweetened iced teas (jasmine, green, oolong)
    Honest Tea (yeah we have a lot of iced tea drinkers) and Honest Ade limeade
    Poland Spring water and seltzer
    Small bottles of orange juice
    Chobani yogurts
    KIND bars
    Clif bars
    Welch's small fruit snack packs
    Fig newtons
    Fruit bowl with fresh fruit

    So there's really no shortage of healthy snacks if we need them

    Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have fresh bread catered from the bakery down the street. Sometimes it's bagels, sometimes muffins/pastries/scones, sometimes it's a yogurt parfait thing. That's the stuff that's difficult to avoid but there are always alternatives.
  • VeroJuly
    VeroJuly Posts: 101 Member
    We have both at work, a lot of crap vending machine like 5 or 6 thoughou the company and 1 healthy one at the cafeteria. I don't even look at the crap ones anymore. Keep pushing for a healty one... Good luck :)
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    No vending maching but a cooler full of pop and juice and cookies in the cupboard :( Endless salesman bring donuts :( A coworker bakes all sorts of things like cheesecake and chocolate lava cakes :(
    My work is my biggest food challenge. I did convince the office manager to add a fruit bowl, that's getting more and more popular.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    Do you have vending machines in your office or workplace? Soda/snacks? What about healthy alternatives like or another?

    We have a soda machine and the HealthyVending idea was shot down as being too expensive. I'm hoping to hear a success story on vending machines!

    omg... i read HealthyVagina... omg...

    I was about to run to my vending machine to see what they look like! hahahahaha....
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    we don't have a vending machine, but we have a big box of chocolates and sweeties, and an honesty tin, and it is in our office, its like a torture
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    We have free unlimited cans of soda at work... everything from pepsi, coke, mt dew, crush, dr pepper, nestea, diet soda, ect ect :drinker: :drinker: . (Apparently a beverage supplier is one of our clients). But honestly there is enough soda here to put us into a diabetic coma. I WISH our company would get on board with some health and wellness programs!!!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Here's the stuff we keep in stock here:
    adagio unsweetened iced teas (jasmine, green, oolong)
    Honest Tea (yeah we have a lot of iced tea drinkers) and Honest Ade limeade
    Poland Spring water and seltzer
    Small bottles of orange juice
    Chobani yogurts
    KIND bars
    Clif bars
    Welch's small fruit snack packs
    Fig newtons
    Fruit bowl with fresh fruit

    So there's really no shortage of healthy snacks if we need them

    Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have fresh bread catered from the bakery down the street. Sometimes it's bagels, sometimes muffins/pastries/scones, sometimes it's a yogurt parfait thing. That's the stuff that's difficult to avoid but there are always alternatives.

    Can I come work by you!! That is awesome!!
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    We have not only unhealthy pop machines and snack machines, but the worst temptation is that the break room is ALWAYS, without fail, filled with free food. Cookies, brownies, donuts, pie, caramel popcorn, pumpkin bread. You name it, someone brings it in to share.

    Good news is we have a water cooler, so I can get as much free water as I want. Also, we have a couple treadmills and an exercise bike for open use.
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    Yes, our break room is loaded with a sandwich machine, three pop machines and two candy/junk machines. The only way I overcame going to them was 1. don't bring ANY money to work 2. bring my own lunch. That has helped me stay away from them. Evil things! But my boss is always bringing in baked goods (she bakes like Satan breathes fire) and we have a candy stash at work all the time for my team. Those just require sheer willpower to stay away from and I don't always succeed so if I indulge I make sure to take a few trips up and down the steps (I work on the 5th floor).