Well...that was a kick in the face.

So, I've lost weight, about 9 lbs since officially starting MFP, and about 5.5 lbs here in the past month. I feel different...better, actually, other than I'm highly aware of my stomach. Yay.

However, that's not what this post is about...I took pictures a month ago to "kick off" my weight loss. A month later, I'm taking progress pictures since I'm feeling better and need a little kick in the butt to keep going, since a lot of people show results within 5-10 lbs.

Well, my pictures didn't motivate me like they should've.

In a month's time, and 5.5 lbs lighter...I look absolutely no different. My stomach is the same size, my legs are the same size, everything is the same. Nothing has changed. Now, I understand that I've only lost 5 lbs since this past month...it was just kind of a kick in the face, since a LOT of people have body changes in their first 10 lbs. Apparently...I am not one of those lucky people. So...with that being said: let's see how a 10-15 lbs difference looks on me.

Excuse me while I go run my *kitten* off.

And starting ASAP, I will be weight lifting.

See you guys at the finish line. :wink:


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Now THAT is the right attitude to have!! Don't wallow in self pity or give in, use it as motivation to keep going! Congrats on the 5lbs you've already lost!
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    Im one of those ppl too! Don't worry, lets just kick some a**!!! :)
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Good attitude!

    Pick up some heavy stuff, put them down, rinse repeat. You'll see big changes in no time :smile:
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Lift lift lift! I am the same exact weight in the two pictures of my main picture. The scale has nothing to do with it!
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Best frustration response ever! I thought you were totally gonna be moping, and I even rolled my eyes inside partway through. Great turn-around!
  • I'm almost 15 down and only difference I see in pictures is that my face looks thinner. On the plus side, a lot of my clothes are fitting looser and my thigh rub is much more comfortable than just 2 months ago.

    Be proud of all you have accomplished so far and keep pushing to reach your goal!

    PS - adding you because we basically have the same starting and goal weights.
  • dwarfstarzero
    dwarfstarzero Posts: 14 Member
    I've lost only 19 pounds since joining, and it's JUST starting to show after MANY months. Body type can play into it, judge by how you feel rather than how the mirror or camera paints you. If you feel good, you'll carry yourself differently, you'll approach life, and other people differently, and the changes will show in your attitude.

    Kudos to you for a great start, keep attacking your workouts, and counting those calories and the pictorial evidence will follow.

    Awesome job!
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I cant tell anything with 5 pounds. It takes 15-20 to notice anything for myself. Take measurements and keep up the great work!
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    It was about 20lb I lost before I really noticed.. :)
  • bellarox13
    bellarox13 Posts: 95 Member
    I cant notice a difference in me, and I have lost 32 pounds. Heck even my parents didnt notice and it had been four months since they have seen me (so was still fatter).

    I am hoping next month I will see a difference in progress pics, in the meantime, just like you, I am kicking my own backside to lose this weight. We will eventually see the difference.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    WTG!!!! Awesome attitude! Keep it up! You're doing great!!!
  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member
    This was good!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    It was about 20lb I lost before I really noticed.. :)
    Ditto! take measurements to see the difference for yourself if you can't see it in the mirror. When I get down in the dumps because my weight loss doesn't seem to be moving thats when I get angry and get moving more. You're doing great! Stick with it and you'll notice changes soon.
  • GREAT attitude!

    I have to admit, while I see a difference in my clothes and on the scale, I am afraid to take my 1-2-way progress pictures. I am so critical, I probably wont see much of a difference either, and I am down 7 lbs but many inches.

    BUT, we WILL keep moving forward since there has been progress, whether we see it or not!!
  • felblossom
    felblossom Posts: 132 Member
    I've lost 7 lbs so far, and I can't see any difference in the mirror. Same as you, all I see is my big belly and flabby thighs.
    But I'm not going to let this get me down, I keep losing weight slowly but surely, and I'm working my *kitten* off exercising and I know that all my hard work WILL show eventually!
  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    I saw little change my first 10-20 lbs. I think it depends on how much weight you have to lose. I definitely noticed changes between photos at around 30 lbs and definitely at 40. Keep it up, you'll notice differences soon!
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    Best frustration response ever! I thought you were totally gonna be moping, and I even rolled my eyes inside partway through. Great turn-around!

    Haha, well thank you!

    Thanks for all the encouragements! It really means a lot, and I'm glad I'm not the only one willing to bust a** to get where I/we need to be. Used to, I would've been all depressed and probably ate a doughnut or a few Reece cups to make myself feel better (literally, I'm not even joking, and I used to think it worked!). But today I just kind of said, "You know what? I either want it, or I don't. And I sure as heck want it!"

    And I'm currently pouring sweat to prove it! Gosh, learning to jog/run a mile is a pain in the butt! :laugh:
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    It was about 20lb I lost before I really noticed.. :)
    Ditto! take measurements to see the difference for yourself if you can't see it in the mirror. When I get down in the dumps because my weight loss doesn't seem to be moving thats when I get angry and get moving more. You're doing great! Stick with it and you'll notice changes soon.

    Sadly, my measurements for my stomach have gone up .5 inch...go figure.

    My body is definitely giving me h*** right now. But I'm giving it back ten fold. :wink:
  • KipDrordy
    KipDrordy Posts: 169 Member
    So, I've lost weight, about 9 lbs since officially starting MFP, and about 5.5 lbs here in the past month. I feel different...better, actually, other than I'm highly aware of my stomach. Yay.

    However, that's not what this post is about...I took pictures a month ago to "kick off" my weight loss. A month later, I'm taking progress pictures since I'm feeling better and need a little kick in the butt to keep going, since a lot of people show results within 5-10 lbs.

    Well, my pictures didn't motivate me like they should've.

    In a month's time, and 5.5 lbs lighter...I look absolutely no different. My stomach is the same size, my legs are the same size, everything is the same. Nothing has changed. Now, I understand that I've only lost 5 lbs since this past month...it was just kind of a kick in the face, since a LOT of people have body changes in their first 10 lbs. Apparently...I am not one of those lucky people. So...with that being said: let's see how a 10-15 lbs difference looks on me.

    Excuse me while I go run my *kitten* off.

    And starting ASAP, I will be weight lifting.

    See you guys at the finish line. :wink:

    I was depressed after looking at 15 lbs down (222 to 207) and thinking I'd see a huge difference. I didn't. What I did see was my clothes were fitting differently. I was expecting to be blown away by the difference, but wasn't. After hitting 207, I took some more shots and studied them. Now I can clearly see the difference. All of my XL shirts look big on me, I can pull my jeans off without unbuttoning them, and my face is noticeably thinner.

    Don't kill yourself looking for instant results. Five pounds a month is more than you think. Pick up a five pound bag of potatoes at the grocery store and you'll see what that really means. The idea is to change your lifestyle for the long haul. You'll get there and you WILL notice the difference. So will everyone else.
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    So, I've lost weight, about 9 lbs since officially starting MFP, and about 5.5 lbs here in the past month. I feel different...better, actually, other than I'm highly aware of my stomach. Yay.

    However, that's not what this post is about...I took pictures a month ago to "kick off" my weight loss. A month later, I'm taking progress pictures since I'm feeling better and need a little kick in the butt to keep going, since a lot of people show results within 5-10 lbs.

    Well, my pictures didn't motivate me like they should've.

    In a month's time, and 5.5 lbs lighter...I look absolutely no different. My stomach is the same size, my legs are the same size, everything is the same. Nothing has changed. Now, I understand that I've only lost 5 lbs since this past month...it was just kind of a kick in the face, since a LOT of people have body changes in their first 10 lbs. Apparently...I am not one of those lucky people. So...with that being said: let's see how a 10-15 lbs difference looks on me.

    Excuse me while I go run my *kitten* off.

    And starting ASAP, I will be weight lifting.

    See you guys at the finish line. :wink:

    I was depressed after looking at 15 lbs down (222 to 207) and thinking I'd see a huge difference. I didn't. What I did see was my clothes were fitting differently. I was expecting to be blown away by the difference, but wasn't. After hitting 207, I took some more shots and studied them. Now I can clearly see the difference. All of my XL shirts look big on me, I can pull my jeans off without unbuttoning them, and my face is noticeably thinner.

    Don't kill yourself looking for instant results. Five pounds a month is more than you think. Pick up a five pound bag of potatoes at the grocery store and you'll see what that really means. The idea is to change your lifestyle for the long haul. You'll get there and you WILL notice the difference. So will everyone else.

    Oh no no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off that I was expecting this huge difference or anything like that! It was just something I did thinking "hey, maybe this is looking a little better now" since it's been a month and -5.5lbs. I wasn't meaning to act as if I needed that difference.

    It was just something that was like, "Well that sucks...a lot of people see differences, and I don't." and just kind of kicking my butt in gear! Sorry for the misunderstanding. :smile: