Staying motivated...?

I always start out the same saying I am going to lose all the weight and be happy with the way I look and feel and then a few days in I lose motivation and give up!

I need help with staying on track any good tips? :smile:

Thanks xox


  • ilucasstyle
    i am exactly the same! i dont know how to keep my mind on track :( add me and we can motivate eachother :)Posting everything and getting good feedback really helps. YOU CAN DO IT! think of the outcome and how great you'll feel.
  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    I posted the words "Will it bring me happiness" on my fridge. If I'm willing to take the short term hit when I go for food, I do. But generally, it's enough to stop me picking and help make better choices 'cause ultimatly being overweight will never make me happy. Simple, but helps keep me on track.
  • Time4achange77
    Buy a pair of pants or a dress one size smaller than you actually are. Everytime you think about giving up, go to your closet and put it on. This keeps me motivated. Once I can fit into the pants, I go buy one size smaller again! Helps keep the focus...Good luck!
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    What caused you to want to change in the first place? Once you really identify that, always remind yourself of that when you are questioning why to go on. Sometimes, you have to just realize you REALLY want it to keep pushing yourself.
  • missiontobefitandfab
    Thats a really good way to put I just have to think about what I want more which is definitely happiness and I don't feel happy this way so I need to stick to the plan! :smile:
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    My only suggestions are:

    1) Track everything you eat & drink and track all exercise. Recognize that MFP can overestimate the calories burned from exercise, so if you plan to eat more on days that you work out, leave some cushion.

    2) Don't try to change all of your habits at once, since that's what often leads to people getting discouraged. Track what you eat and do for a whole week without changing anything, and see what your biggest problem areas are. If a lot of your calories are coming from soda, try cutting back by a soda a week. If you aren't getting any exercise at all, try going for a walk a couple of times a week. Make small changes that you can sustain. After a while you'll be able to incorporate more healthy changes, but slow and steady wins the race.

    3) Don't get hung up on the number on the scale, as it will fluctuate based on water retention, food in your digestive system, and other factors that won't give you an accurate idea of whether or not you're burning fat. Weigh yourself once now, and take measurements. If the scale gives you anxiety, don't look at it every day. Look at it every couple of weeks, or even once a month. Use measurements instead.

    4) Read the Motivation & Support pages and Success Stories on this site if you're feeling like you're not making any progress. Reading other people's struggles and seeing other people's successes can be really motivating.

    Best of luck, and feel free to add me if you need someone to be accountable to!