For Runners - What do you do w/your arms?



  • chiznitz
    My personal trainer had me visualize train tracks that your arms are running on. Besides that keep it natural without clenching your hands. My biggest downfall when running is keeping my face completely relaxed.

    Good luck!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    You definitely don't want to have them crossing your chest - this creates a twisting motion in your core that doesn't help to propel you forward. The biggest thing I try to remember with my arms is to make sure to keep my shoulders down and away from my ears. When people run hard, there is a tendency to let the shoulders creep up which changes your posture and takes energy away from your legs and core. Every so often I roll my shoulders back and slide my shoulder blades down my back. This prevents the crossing in front of your body, even if they do swing a bit with your stride.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member

    My daughter's cross country coach told them to help not make a fist, to touch your thumbs to your ring fingers. Looks a little dorky, but works. Also to not pump your arms much until you need to really get yourself going, because that takes away energy from your legs. Just be loose.
  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    As a new runner I find there's so much to think about: my arm position, my breathing, my running cadence & foot strike. I saw a YouTube post today which said just practice swinging your arms like when you walk with your arms down, then when you find that comfortable, natural swing just bend your elbow up to a right angle and keep the swing going. I tried it standing in my living room today and it seemed to make sense. I will be trying it on my next run!