College grad getting in shape!

Hey guys I've been working out for 4 weeks now (this week will be week 5) and I lost 15 lbs! I eat healthy and go to the gym about 3-4 times a week. I'm working towards a 6 pack. I'm almost there! I'm 200 lbs and can bench 315, and squat 365. I'm improving every week it feels great:). I'm 21 years old and just graduated college so I'm getting back in shape after I neglected it in college haha.


  • Parisdaly
    Wow well done you! I could really do with some much needed motivation!
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    That's great though it seems easier for a guy to get a six pack, anywho good luck and FR sent :smile:
  • jackjamma
    jackjamma Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks! And parisdaly you can do it! Set your mind to it and don't make excuses