Craving sugar after a workout ?

This happened the other day. I didn't care WHAT it was, so long as it was sugary sweet.


  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    if by 'craving' you mean you were hypoglycemic and ready to pass out, then your blood sugar levels dropped too far.

    Otherwise, it's just your mind screwing with you. Ignore it. Set up a plan and follow it to the letter. People giving in to supposed 'cravings' are what derail many an otherwise solid diet.

    That said, I will never understand the craving thing. I eat for function, and have yet to ever suffer from such a thing. Then again, I am not a woman, so I don't suffer from the 'grrrr, gimme carbs before I cut you' syndrome. :)