Thoughts on protein shakes



  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    I am usually low on my protein so most days I will have protein powder in some form. I like 100% whey proteins, I usually get Pure Protein vanilla cream, but that's mostly because I can get it at Publix with no special trip anywhere, but if I find a good deal I will get other brands, I look for about 20-25 gms protein with no more than 150 cals.
  • VaingloriousVictoria
    There are three kinds of shakes that I like. The one thing they have in common is that they are premixed. I think that's the key in avoiding the grittiness.

    1. Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe (Buy it at Sam's Club - 30 G protein)
    2. EAS Myoplex Light (Buy this at Walmart, Walgreens, etc.)
    3. Muscle Milk Light (Buy this at Sam's, Walmart, etc.)

    Good luck!
  • macdiver
    macdiver Posts: 145 Member
    So, if I tend to go over on protein (which I do, almost everyday) should I probably stay away from shakes since I don't do a lot of heavy lifting strength training? Also, if I'm going over on something, is it harmful to me for it to be protein (as opposed to carbs or fat or calories)? I seem to fall okay on everything usually, but protein will be high.

    How much protein are you eating? MFP default has the protien level set based on the USDA recommendation which is low. Most people find 1 gram per pound of bodyweight a reasonable targer.

    My favorite is Optimum Nutrition Double Rich Chocolate. I mix it in milk for my breakfast.
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    I got a tub of the bodyfortress chocolate at Walgreens for 15 bucks. Less than 150 calories and 26g of protein per scoop. It's okay with water (you just gotta shake the hell out of it), but is awesome with yogurt, peanut butter, ice and soymilk! Makes me a chocolatey shake that keeps me full well into lunch.
  • reenielovesthebeach
    I have been shooting for at least 120 grams of protein per day.
  • InPieces3
    InPieces3 Posts: 215
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I like the Melaleuca ProFlex20 shakes. They are $16.99 per bag (30 shakes) plus shipping if you are a Preferred Customer. The Vanilla are good, but the Chocolate smells and tastes just like hot chocolate (to me anyway).

    I prefer to make mine up in the blender with 1/2 c skim milk, 1 c water & 1 c frozen fruit. Yummy! The chocolate I'll also do with coconut milk & peanut butter.

    Right now I do a vanilla shake with fruit every morning. Mostly because I get more protein out of it than a bowl of cereal, and it is about as quick. I don't usually do breakfast otherwise, so if I can multi-task and drink my breakfast it is a good thing. I'm not sure how far into the winter I'll keep this up though.

    If my protein is low for the day, or I just don't feel like anything else but a "treat" I'll make a chocolate/strawberry or chocolate/peanutbutter shake in the evening. It takes care of the sweet tooth, and fills the protein gap too.
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    Nothing beats natural protein in my view. I personally believe protein shakes/bars are only good for bodybuilding because they make you bulk up. You can get as much protein you need in natural foods, Milk is a good source of protein and it contains calcium ^i^
  • WhitleyAnne
    WhitleyAnne Posts: 2 Member
    Health wise is my favorite! I get it from my weight loss clinic and they taste like fruit. I drink them two hours after I eat so I won't snack and it works.
  • Salazoj21
    Salazoj21 Posts: 2 Member
    I use Isoflex Whey Protein Isolate. Usually the Banana Cream flavor, if I can find it. It is friggin' tasty. If not, Chocolate Peanut Butter is just as delicious.

    I believe it each scoop is 27g Protein, 1g of Carbs, 0g Fat.

    I mix it with different fruits, veggies, and unsweetened almond milk, and take it after my workouts.
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    I don't buy anything special...usually I just throw 2 tbsp crunchy peanut butter, 1 medium sized banana, a cup of almond milk, and some ice in a blender and viola! Lots of protein and it tastes delicious.

    This, pretty much. I buy natty PB or make it in the food processor, throw a banana, almond milk, and maybe a little square of organic dark chocolate in my blender, and call it good. I've never understood the appeal of protein supplements for weight loss and healthy eating.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I like the Melaleuca ProFlex20 shakes. They are $16.99 per bag (30 shakes) plus shipping if you are a Preferred Customer.

    Oh crap! I mistyped. it's 15 shakes a bag not 30. the price was right though!