Can't add a food?

lazygirllosesweight Posts: 190
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I'm trying to add a food for my food diary and I keep getting an error message saying that I need to enter a valid unit of measure.

I've tried:

1 T
1 Tbs.
1 Tablespoon
1 tablespoon

Any ideas?


  • try 1 tbsp.
  • usdave1t
    usdave1t Posts: 1 Member
    Make sure you add in something in 'Servings per Container' - I had the same problem until I added that in, then it accepted it fine....
  • Yep. It was the servings per container thing. Which I had to figure out by hand because I don't have the bottle in front of me. Yay for math exercise. haha.
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