Living with severe ulcers

After having my appendix taken out and plenty of tubes and needles put in me it's still a mystery why my stomach is so messed up.

I have severe ulcers which I have to take medication for, but they also mentioned Barratts Esophagus which is some weird thing about the lining of the esophagus changing into the lining of the small intestine? I honestly don't know, reading webmd and other online pages I still don't understand.

My doctor said I would need an endoscopy every 2-3 years to monitor it to make sure it doesn't turn into cancer. Barratts is a pre cancerous stage.

Now I need to cut back on acidic food, and sadly my favorite food, I read, I should not eat at all....chocolate.

Does anyone else suffer from ulcers that have advice on good food to eat.

The less acidic food I eat the better my ulcers will get and the less chance of cancer.


  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    My grandpa SWEARS by this, and he had bleeding, really bad ulcers that just wrecked him for about two years. He buys to this day his daily 8oz of aloe vera juice.
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    Barrett's Esophagus is something that's found with long term untreated gastroesophageal reflux disease. Basically your stomach's acid has softened the lining of the esophagus because of it being untreated. I'm unsure what this has to do with ulcers as I haven't delved into it too far, but that's what I know :)
  • alfonsinarosinsky
    alfonsinarosinsky Posts: 198 Member
    Please get a second opinion about getting a endoscopy every 2 or 3 years. When one has Barretts Esophagus it is recommended that an endoscopy is gotten once a year or more. Much can transpire in 2 or 3 years. I know this is an old post but just thought I'd answer anyway.