No exercise but eat right???

Ok I am exercising everday, (taking 1 day off per week off) for 30-45 doing Zumba Cardio Party burning approx. 300-375 calories, which is good and also doing some strength exercises giving me an extra 450 calories per day to eat.

My calories are said to be 1200 per day and I am finding it hard to eat even that and then adding in the 450 calories I am earning by exercising I should eat 1650, WOW!

What if I just ate right and didnt exercise? Would I still lose weight? I lost 52 lbs before (years ago) and I ate right (Michelina Lean Gourmet Meals, fruits, veggies but no junk food at all!) and a little bike riding once in a while with the family but nothing like Zumba, more a casual bike ride and waalaa I lost weight.

Wondering if I stopped exercising (I question this since winter is coming and no bike riding is forseen till Spring) would I just lose the weight.

Does anyone here just eat right and NOT exercise? How is that working out for you?


  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If you eat at a deficit you'll lose weight.