Visiting friends out of town - advice??

Hi everyone!

I'm going to be visiting friends in Kansas on from Thursday to Sunday, and while I'm psyched to see them I'm wondering about the best way to continue with MFP while out there. They generally eat on the healthy side and we will probably be eating in a lot rather than going to restaurants, but I still don't know the calorie counts of things and I am terrible with eyeballing portions. Do you have any advice?



  • There is that whole thing about rating your hunger on a 1 to 10, 1 being ready to pass out from starvation and 10 being thanksgiving. They say to try to stop while you are at a 5 or 6, content but not really feeling full yet. Maybe you can try in the days leading up to your vacation to pay closer attention to that when you are eating. Its something you can take with you on your vacation.
    Also, mention to your friends, if you haven't already, that you are trying to eat healthy and exercise. It might help influence the plans they make for food and outings.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    I would suggest...

    *try to eat "clean" and unprocessed, building simple meals from whole ingredients. So, instead of a casserole with a billion different ingredients, maybe make a salad with fresh produce whose calories you can enter individually.

    *maybe incorporate a trip to a farmers' market or fancy grocery (make an experience out of it, so it's not drudgery) with your hosts to pick up produce and lean proteins to build your simple meals together.

    *breakfast and lunch should theoretically be easier - an egg, greek yogurt, a subway sandwich, etc - so if you can log accurately for 2 of your 3 meals, that's pretty darn good.

    *when possible, don't estimate serving sizes; use a measuring cup as a serving spoon.

    *when eating out, share a meal with a friend. If you can't do that, as soon as your plate arrives divide your meal in half and decide before you start eating that you'll eat only half of what's on your plate (since most restaurants serve WAY more than 1 serving)

    *use your fist to estimate serving sizes; a "fist"-sized chicken breast is 3-4 oz for example.

    Most of all, enjoy your time with your friends! Focus on visiting, and make the eating incidental to spending time together. So it's a time of friendship where you happen to eat, instead of a time of eating where you happen to see your friends. :)

    Have a great time!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Do the best you can - if you have access to MFP log everything, even if you guess the portions wrong. If you are eating out you will be surprised how many restaurants' menus are on MFP. Don't stress if you blow it a day or so. You can do it.
  • If you're eating with friends help in the kitchen; That way you know what goes into the dish they make :wink:
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I just got back from spending a week in Missouri and Kansas visiting with friends and family. I was also worried about being away from my controlled food, my treadmill, my food scale and all the little systems I have in place for keeping me on track. I managed to maintain my exact same weight for the whole week. Here's what I did. First, I took some things with me: weighed portions of granola, almonds, trail mix, and jerky. I took fruit as well for travel day so I would have a starving breakdown in the airport in front of a Pizza Hut Pan Pizza.

    Then when I arrived, I explained to most close people around me that I was trying to eat healthy. I went to the grocery store (I was staying with my dad). I boiled some eggs, got some yogurt, a couple little cans of tuna. So I basically had breakfast and lunch at home covered. When I went out, I got a box to arrive with the meal and put half the meal in the box right away. Then I leisurely at the other half and enjoyed the conversation without having to worry about when to stop.

    As much as possible, I looked at the menus on-line ahead of time of the places I was meeting people. That way, I had already scoped out my options. During the week, I manage to eat at a local barbeque place, an Italian restaurant, a high-end steak/seafood restaurant, and a local steakhouse. My sister served Pizza Hut one night and a famous barbeque restaurant catered my dad's 80th birthday party. The only day I went over my calories was on my dad's birthday. I decided I was going to enjoy that cake and ice cream in honor of dad!

    I also managed to get my 10,000 steps in on my fitbit most days.

    All in all, it was a great trip. I reconnected with several friends from at least 25 years ago. Three of them joined MFP and I think they are all planning to buy a fitbit too!