When is too little too much?

Ok, so based on this fat2fit website which is supposed to be really good...i should be consuming upwards of 3,000 calories...MFP had me at around 2800...I felt like that was too much because I was maintaining my weight. Gaining a pound and then losing it for a couple weeks. For the past week, I took it down to 2200 and I lost 2.2 pounds. I don't want to do this unhealthily, but i also want to see results. I guess I'm just kind of confused. How do I know I'm eating to little? I don't want to eat so little calories that I lose what muscle mass I have or cause any harm to body...how little calorie consumption is doing too much? If it will help I am 6'3'' and currently 447 lb (446.8 to be exact)...


  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    2200 should be fine, everyone is an individual, what MFP tells you is a guide, you adjust accordingly.

    The only time it would be concern is if you tried to do the 1200 thing, which you are not.

    Keep on keeping on !
  • ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2000 is prob more right for u
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    BMR or TDEE isn't accurate at high weights. It's geared toward the "average" person so when you're on the high or low end of the scale the numbers get really skewed. I'd put your stats into a TDEE calculator for the weight you want to be and eat there. At your size it's not uncommon to lose 10 lbs in a week in the beginning.