Has anyone else ever felt this way . . . please help



  • TabathaAnn8
    I am very sorry I misunderstood your post. Good luck on your journey!
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I certainly meant no offense to anyone either. My apologies if I did. No offense taken by me to any of these posts. Most of us are speaking only for ourselves, right? We are all big girls here and should be able to be open and say what's on our minds.
    Speaking only for myself here, I have struggled hard most of my life to stay healthy, in shape, strong so I can do all the things I like to do as long as I can, so when I found myself 60 lbs overweight (yet again) I was disgusted with myself. Yep, I am disgusted by my body when it's fat and sloppy, unhealthy, uncomfortable and aching. Not hubby, he's a dear. Me, I expect better of myself. I do not feel sexy at all when I'm overweight. Worse, there are serious health issues with being overweight -- I see that in my own family and I don't want it for myself. I can't do anything about getting old, but dammit, I can control how much I weigh, because my health depends on it.
    My disgust is what motivates me the most. If I don't like it, I need to change it. After all, I'm the one to blame for that extra weight. So I'm doing something about it. I've lost over 40 lbs since Feb 2012 and closing in on my goal weight. Feeling much better, ditched my BP meds, fit into my old clothes again, and no more aching joints. And I don't intend to let myself "go to seed" again. Ever.