Today is the first day.......

Hi, I.m Aimee and

Today is the first day of the rest of my life! After going through illnesses and gaining weight related to the illnesses I got seriously lazy. Than a few years past and I could not get the weight off. Well I have spent the last couple of weeks going through one health related test after another and was told by my care provider today that if I didn't get my Triglycerides down and did get my Liver Enzymes down and loose some weight I was headed for trouble. Oh and my bad cholesterol is not so good either. So here I am joining myfitnesspal at the suggestion of my care provider to help me track my food and exercise.

I have an amazing large family that I would love to be here for then for a long time. I also want to make them proud and show them anything is possible if we put our minds to it. Now all I have to do is stay away from fried chicken!