Because I'm so damned censored.

artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
There is something Ive been wanting to tell people for quite sometime now. I'm properly prepared for the backlash my statement will have especially living in the south (United States). There are a few reasons I cannot be open about what I am going to say here (in a patient) and I’ll explain why I cannot speak freely in my life after the statement. So basically, I need to get this off my chest and tell someone and MFP is about the safest place for me to do so. Here goes:

I am no longer a christian.
I have spend quite some time preparing to answer the question: What do you believe in, or how do you define yourself? So my response is; I am an Apathetic Agnostic. I do not judge anyone else for their beliefs and I hope for the same respect. This decision has come after YEARS of searching, belonging whole heartedly to a church and being raised in a christian environment.
Reasons I cannot express my beliefs to my family now:
`my dad is dying of liver disease and cancer and it would break his heart to hear that I don’t believe in ‘heaven’. I am too compassionate of a person to do that to him.
`My husband is still a Christian and while he respects my decision and loves me unconditionally regardless, his family would not react with the same love and respect (which in my opinion a real Christian should). So therefore, I choose not to be open about my beliefs with them to provide him with a piece of mind and sanity in having to deal with the back lash from them.
~seeing as these people are all on my facebook friends list, I can’t even post stuff there.
All that being said; I would like to breath a heavy sigh of relief!! So there it is…feels good to say it even if none of you care. ;)
Thank you and goodnight!


  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    I too used to struggle with this. I found myself thinking: What is right? How can all these different variations of Christianity be right? I can tell pretty clearly that you have made up your mind. However, I just want to share my experience. While looking for something "more" than Christianity, I came across this:

    It has changed my life. My views on Christianity. Take a look for yourself, even if only for the sake of curiosity. You are fully entitled to believe what you want. It saddens me that there are people so close to you who would treat you badly for your personal beliefs. I would just like to share that there is more out there :)

    I wish you the best!
  • UWZander
    A wild bot enters the room.
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    I just stood up in my room and started a slow clap. I am happy for you and think that you will be happy as well.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I struggled with this same thought until 5 years ago when I was in a car accident and rolled my GMC Yukon 10 times and was actually in a coma. Before my coma, I was dead for four minutes and that time completely changed my outlook regarding every damn thing. I went to the other side for four minutes before my coma. I saw everything and everybody. I saw my grandmother that had lost ten years earlier. I then saw my great grandfather who was dead when I was born. My family told me that I would come back but that I was going to go through a very hard time with my mother.

    My mother began a court battle with me for my son. She had him after my accident and this year I refused to sign guardianship papers allowing her to have custody. I have been to court four times and have won every court case thus far. I have another one in eleven days and I'm confident I will win that one as well.

    Since then, my outlook has changed on everything. Don't believe if you don't want to. That is something you can handle on your own when you die. Feel free to contact me if you would like to talk.
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    And another is freed from the shackles. Praise the lack-of-god!
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Seriously? What's the point of this? All this is going to do is start a big, ridiculous argument and the thread is going to get locked. Oh well, I guess I'll just sit back and wait for the fun to begin.

  • mariettel7
    You have every right to believe in what you want to believe in and nobody has the right to tell you different. The only thing I want to add is that it is a good idea to keep an open mind. You may come to a different conclusion at a different time in your life. Take care. :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    good for you OP. I'm a nontheist and a lot of people dont understand it. i'm usually quite happy to discuss it with those i think are genuinely interested and dont want to try to convert me to something.
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    The day I found out Santa was not real I decided that if one guy who watches me to make sure I'm good isn't real there must not be any others...
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Seriously? What's the point of this? All this is going to do is start a big, ridiculous argument and the thread is going to get locked. Oh well, I guess I'll just sit back and wait for the fun to begin.


    Pretty much - I mean because it would be a bit hypocritical for the mods to always lock posts as simple as 'I am christian and looking for likeminded friends' and not this one. It's doomed. Side note: I just visited the 'south' with my husband over fall break - really nice people but wayyyy too many tempting unhealthy restaurants.
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    Seriously? What's the point of this? All this is going to do is start a big, ridiculous argument and the thread is going to get locked. Oh well, I guess I'll just sit back and wait for the fun to begin.


    The point was self expression, as I stated in the post...I'm censored for human reasons in other areas of ky life but felt secure stating this here. This was in no way meant to elicit argument, and so far there has been none which is an amazing beautiful thing to me. To each their own but I was simply ready to 'come out' to someone. Sometimes it just feels good to put it out there. :)
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words and respect of me and each other.
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    You should move to New Zealand. We're one of the most secular countries on the planet. Woo for the no-Jeebus!

    And I also love how one person's reaction to their crisis of Christian faith was to turn to the Mormon church. This amuses me.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    See, this I like. Your attitude. "Believe what you want, I'll believe what I want and we'll all respect each other". Is that so hard? Do we have to constantly try to shove our views down other people's throats? Atheists are as bad as religious people for it, it does my feckin' head in.
    Anyone who's comfortable in their own belief system without being a preachy git is fine by me.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Doomed to be deleted without doubt. Health and fitness forum isn't the place for religious beliefs either. Sorry.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    This isn't an Us versus Them post....
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    This isn't an Us versus Them post....

    There are plenty of non us versus them posts that are christian that get deleted. To not treat athiesm as a religious/faith based item with the same rules would definately be favoritism....however, I have seen it happen on MFP before so I wouldn't be shocked.
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    And I also love how one person's reaction to their crisis of Christian faith was to turn to the Mormon church. This amuses me.

    HAHA I was thinking the exact same thing!
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    I believe in God, but I don't believe in organized religion. :P Since we're getting stuff off our chest, I needed to say that since the last time I tried to say it to someone close to me (who asked what I believed in) other than my SO, I was told never to say anything like that again!

    With that said, I accept your beliefs. :) We can believe who we want. I'm not one to judge. If you're happy, I'm happy, too. :D

    *Edited to clarify*
  • Dinamita_TNT
    Everyone chooses his/her religion (or lack of it), way of acting in life, behave, opinions... The only thing is RESPECT. You respect others, others respect you. Simple way :)

    I'm Spanish. Spain is a conservative country in terms of religion. Almost 100% of the population is catholic-apostolic-roman... And of course, christian. There is a strong believe in the Holy Week and the traditions (particularly in the region I live and have been growned up).

    Years ago I decided not to be christian or catholic anymore. I don't know if there's something 'above' that reigns and rules everything. I don't doubt that once there was a man (Jesus) that was tortured because of the way he thought... But there are lots of people suffering the same nowadays.

    After a lot of thinking, I realised that I believe in energy. You get what you give. That's all.

    So, go on with your life and... the most important thing: BE HAPPY :)