Possibly starting p90x and diet

I ordered the DVD's a few months ago and have been debating on whether I should try it again or not. I tried for a few days but I was so worn out and sore that I didn't even finish a week. I have no motivation or support at my house...everyone eats junk food and I just go along with it b/c its easy to get. No one exercises here either...everyone sits around and watches TV all day. It's hard for me to stay motivated when it gets hard...I don't have anyone to push me when I have a weak moment in my day or when I am too lazy and don't feel like doing any exercising (which is very often).

I am a diabetic and I have PCOS so those two together make it even more of a challenge for me to lose weight...it's like my body is fighting against me. I have to find some motivation somewhere and find the reasons why I should go thru so much pain (by doing the exercises) in order to be healthier. Can anyone give me any suggestions as to what I can do to keep myself motivated? I really want to feel healthier and actually look healthier too...I don't wanna feel like a fat slob that always wears big jeans and t-shirts to hide all my fat and is always thinking that other people are judging me. I want to feel beautiful on the outside as well as in.


  • teamfit2day
    teamfit2day Posts: 213 Member
    My best advice is to go for it! I know it may seem like your in an impossible situation but believe me when I tell you that people will start to follow your lead when you begin to make changes for yourself. The first step is to establish a strong reason why your deciding to do this. This reason why is whats gonna make the diference when things get tough, and they will. Your family is going to try very hard to convince you to have cheat meals or skip a workout here and there. They will tell you that " one isnt gonna kill you" but the truth is that every missed workout sets you back. Every cheat meal sets you back on your goal. DONT LISTEN TO THEM OR ANYONE when it comes to cheat meals. Stay focused, it will be tough, it will hurt, but you will feel SO MUCH BETTER in the end that you will be glad you stuck to it. With a program like P90X, the very first week is the toughest because your body is extremely sore. The best way to deal with that is to go easy on week 2. Even if your taking extra breaks, even if your hitting the pause button a few more times, keep moving, keep going! Remember, "Do your best, forget the rest". Live by this phrase and you will go further than you can imagine, trust me. I purchased P90X in 2006 and tried and quit over 9 times. Finally in 2011 I got tired of quitting and listening to people who were sabotaging my goals. I did it for ME! I focused, I was in pain, I was sore, I was tired but I kept going. If you need someone to hold you personally accountable, I will be that person for you. I will nag you every single day if I have to. I know you can succeed but its gonna take effort from you as well. So what its gonna be? Are you ready to take control of your life?

  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    What ever success or lack of you will achieve will be a result of the efforts YOU make. In this struggle there is no one else but you. Forget about friends, family, acquaintances and colleagues. If they are not beside you sweating through the work then they have no idea the efforts you are making.

    Like you I went years with little physical activity and poor eating habits. And, like you I also always had a good reason/excuse ready for myself and those around me.

    My moment of catharsis was when I was diagnosis with extremely high blood pressure. My doctor told me to change my lifestyle or write my will! So, I sucked it up, threw aside all of my excuses and got to work. That was over 18 months and close to 90 lbs ago.

    Today my life is awesome, I have more energy than I have ever had in my adult (and teenage) life. My exercise and medication are controlling my blood pressure and I am finding new and fun challenges daily.

    To quote Mohamed Ali: "I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'

    No truer words have ever been spoken. So, pop the DVD in the player and give it a go. In the beginning you will be a big sore sweaty mess. But, keep at it!! Slowly you will start seeing improvement. And, the best part is that the improvement is cumulative, so as you continue to work, you will become stronger and stronger. As you become stronger, your commitment will become your lifestyle. Then what you can accomplish will be an open book with you only needing to decide what to pursue.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    If the first time you tried it wiped you out, try lowering the effort level for the first few weeks. Use smaller weights, less reps, etc. As long as you do something, you will improve with time. You don't have to follow their schedule, either. Start slow, doing what you're comfortable with. Then, start kicking it up as time goes bye. It's well worth the effort. Good luck!
  • My best advice is to go for it! I know it may seem like your in an impossible situation but believe me when I tell you that people will start to follow your lead when you begin to make changes for yourself. The first step is to establish a strong reason why your deciding to do this. This reason why is whats gonna make the diference when things get tough, and they will. Your family is going to try very hard to convince you to have cheat meals or skip a workout here and there. They will tell you that " one isnt gonna kill you" but the truth is that every missed workout sets you back. Every cheat meal sets you back on your goal. DONT LISTEN TO THEM OR ANYONE when it comes to cheat meals. Stay focused, it will be tough, it will hurt, but you will feel SO MUCH BETTER in the end that you will be glad you stuck to it. With a program like P90X, the very first week is the toughest because your body is extremely sore. The best way to deal with that is to go easy on week 2. Even if your taking extra breaks, even if your hitting the pause button a few more times, keep moving, keep going! Remember, "Do your best, forget the rest". Live by this phrase and you will go further than you can imagine, trust me. I purchased P90X in 2006 and tried and quit over 9 times. Finally in 2011 I got tired of quitting and listening to people who were sabotaging my goals. I did it for ME! I focused, I was in pain, I was sore, I was tired but I kept going. If you need someone to hold you personally accountable, I will be that person for you. I will nag you every single day if I have to. I know you can succeed but its gonna take effort from you as well. So what its gonna be? Are you ready to take control of your life?


    I actually need someone to nag me some because I tend to have a ton of those moments where I feel like in the end it's not worth it and I go pig out on McDs and quit the exercises. I'm not good at picking out healthy foods to eat and I don't like spending lots of time worrying about portion sizes or how much of this or that I can eat.

    I remember on the workouts when I done the few days that I did do them, I didn't do the full time that's on the DVD, I just done like 15-20 minutes of it and stopped since I was getting worn out so quick. I don't push myself farther than I think I can go b/c I fear if I do, then I'll pull a muscle or something and then I'd have to quit.
  • What ever success or lack of you will achieve will be a result of the efforts YOU make. In this struggle there is no one else but you. Forget about friends, family, acquaintances and colleagues. If they are not beside you sweating through the work then they have no idea the efforts you are making.

    Like you I went years with little physical activity and poor eating habits. And, like you I also always had a good reason/excuse ready for myself and those around me.

    My moment of catharsis was when I was diagnosis with extremely high blood pressure. My doctor told me to change my lifestyle or write my will! So, I sucked it up, threw aside all of my excuses and got to work. That was over 18 months and close to 90 lbs ago.

    Today my life is awesome, I have more energy than I have ever had in my adult (and teenage) life. My exercise and medication are controlling my blood pressure and I am finding new and fun challenges daily.

    To quote Mohamed Ali: "I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'

    No truer words have ever been spoken. So, pop the DVD in the player and give it a go. In the beginning you will be a big sore sweaty mess. But, keep at it!! Slowly you will start seeing improvement. And, the best part is that the improvement is cumulative, so as you continue to work, you will become stronger and stronger. As you become stronger, your commitment will become your lifestyle. Then what you can accomplish will be an open book with you only needing to decide what to pursue.

    This actually hits home with me quite a bit. When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 23 years old, it made me think of what I was letting happen to my body...I know it had to do with my weight and lack of exercise. I tried to eat healthier and exercise after that but nothing stuck and I went back to my old habits. Now, at 26, I'm 265 lbs (the exact weight I was at 23) and still feeling lousy health wise. I really need to make a change, I just am lost as to how I'm gonna do it and make it last. I can start it, but its just a matter of sticking with it for me.
  • I know it's been a while since I've posted on this thread but I thought I would ask a question to people that have done p90x. If you don't have a pull up bar, is there any way to modify that so you can still work the same muscles?
  • LindaAllison
    LindaAllison Posts: 6 Member
    I know it's been a while since I've posted on this thread but I thought I would ask a question to people that have done p90x. If you don't have a pull up bar, is there any way to modify that so you can still work the same muscles?

    There is a way of modifying to work the same muscles. You can use the door band kit http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/DoorBandKits?referringRepId=54576
    I remember on the workouts when I done the few days that I did do them, I didn't do the full time that's on the DVD, I just done like 15-20 minutes of it and stopped since I was getting worn out so quick. I don't push myself farther than I think I can go b/c I fear if I do, then I'll pull a muscle or something and then I'd have to quit.

    Nothing wrong with starting off slow. Do your best and forget the rest! Stop thinking about the 40-45 minutes that you didn't do, instead be proud of the 15-20 minutes that you did do. Do what you can do, go slowly at first, modify some of the moves, but be very consistent with your workouts.
    I actually need someone to nag me some because I tend to have a ton of those moments where I feel like in the end it's not worth it and I go pig out on McDs and quit the exercises. I'm not good at picking out healthy foods to eat and I don't like spending lots of time worrying about portion sizes or how much of this or that I can eat.

    Have you joined a fitness/nutrition accountability group? I have a group starting on Monday.