afraid I won't be able to keep it off



  • reinarosashope
    I totally agree with alot of the comments prior, it has to be a life change. I have lost weight just eating right, and exercising. The most big change for me was to not drink soda and i quit. Start from small choices for example instead of cooking with canola oil change to olive oil or coconut oil. Plan your meals ahead you can use website for recipes and ideas. Instead of eating 2 big meals brake it into small meals from 4-6 times a day and pre-plan. I have a life coach that has helped me so much and she actually has a blog that you can follow she is the most amazing person. Has helped me to make changes in my diet that will be forever. I lost 20 pounds since I stared I worked very hard has not been easy but its totally worth it.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    How do I learn healthy eating habits? I never really learned any from my parents as a kid, they always got fast food and were binge eaters themselves.

    I'm not blaming them, I know I need to take responsibility for my own actions. But it's hard to break out of the habits that I learned as a young child/teen.

    Are there any helpful books out there you could recommend?

    There are many good books available on nutrition, you could start by perusing your local library. I can recommend a few that I like: What Should I Eat? A Guide to the New Food Pyramid by Tershia d'Elgin and Fad-Free Nutrition by Fredrick Stare and Elizabeth Whelan. I also got a lot of good information from the Volumatrics Eating Plan by Barbara Rolls. You will start to get the idea.