NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss


  • Notenispal
    Notenispal Posts: 168 Member
    I have read of people counting calories without working out and still losing weight. Anyone who reduces their calorie intake can lose weight. I don't know if it takes longer to lose weight or what but you can. I know when you add exercise you have to deal with gaining muscle so there are times where you gain but just counting calories should mostly make you lose weight.

    Anyone know anything concrete?
  • I'm new at this and definitely not an expert but, yes, that's not only possible but also probable.

    Now, my doc told me to do exercise as well and I do as much as I can but even still, if you take in less than you did, you'll lose.

    For example, I calculated the amount of calories I was taking in in order to maintain my weight. Right now I'm 5'10" 271. That would take something like 3000 calories per day to maintain that weight.

    Now I'm doing less than 1500 so half of me will eventually disappear. (that was a joke BTW, but I'd actually be cool with that!)

    Best of luck and God bless!
  • You gain muscle with strength training. If you haven't a clue what that is, you can go to the exercise page here and look at the database to show you. If you do cardio, that's what will burn the calories.

    So yes, you can lose weight without the exercise, but it will take longer, and depending on how big you are, loose skin. Exercise will help tone you up. Might not get it all, but it will help.
  • Yes, its possible to lose weight while only watching calories, but you lose weight faster and tone your body if you excersice. Working out doesn't mean you have to go lift weights and stuff, you could go for a 1/2 hour walk at a brisk pace everyday and it will help. If you are looking to lose quite a bit of weight, say 25 pounds or more, I would suggest exercising and doing some muscle work like crunches and light weigts, otherwise you could end up with a lot of loose skin that will make you look like you weigh more than you do.
  • It is possible to lose weight by cutting calories and not working out. Granted it does come off faster and more easy to maintain with working out. One pound of body fat is equal to 3500 calories. By cutting your calories by 500 a day from your normal intake, you would average one pound in 7 days. You will eventually reach a plateu. I would recommend just walking 30 minutes a day not just for weight loss, but also for Cardiovascular health. The extra 30 minutes of walking can help knock off an additional 150 calories or so a day. It does help with tighting and tone the legs and buttocks.

    Hope this helps!
  • You will lose weight, however, without exercise, it will result in stretched out flab in the areas where the weight was lost. The exercise not only expedites the weight loss, it also tones the area as well.

    This is just my understanding of it :-)
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Weight loss is I do believe 70% NUTRITION and 30% exercise, so yes it is doable BUT your loss is faster with exercise plus it helps from being mushy and saggy skin after the fat is gone! For exercise all you have to do is go walk fast for at least a half an hour! Plus exercise makes you feel unstopable! best wishes!!!
  • wallena
    wallena Posts: 32
    yes, you can. like this site says my body takes a little over 1800 cal per day to sustain it's current weight. so anything i take in less than that will result in a deficit. over a long enough period, i'll lose weight. of course, you'll hasten your weight loss with exercise. hope this helps.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    A study I read about in Women's Health found that women who just control calorie intake lose weight faster than women who combine calorie control with exercise, while women who just work out lose weight the slowest. BUT there is a caveat to that. The women who are just restricting calories are not toning muscle tissue, and in some cases, they LOSE muscle tissue. That's bad. Women who combine calorie restriction and physical activity lost weight more slowly, but inches more quickly, so even if the scale reads the same, you can go down a dress size.

    Something to keep in mind: A pound of fat and a pound of muscle are like balloons and steel. A pound of balloons takes up a lot of space. A pound of steel is very compact. If you do moderate strength training and your body burns off the fat while building up muscle, you'll still have a pound of something, but that something will take up less space. On top of all that, adding lean muscle raises your basal metabolic rate, so not only does that pound of muscle look nicer than the pound of fat, you can eat more without worrying about inviting another pound of something in.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    You will lose weight, however, without exercise, it will result in stretched out flab in the areas where the weight was lost. The exercise not only expedites the weight loss, it also tones the area as well.

    This is just my understanding of it :-)

    It's true. There is a layer of connective tissue under your skin that anchors it in a way to your muscles beneath. When you gain weight, that tissue stretches out. When you lose weight, it will eventually contract, but if you work out and stimulate the muscles it connects to, the tissue will contract faster.
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