Hello - Intro

Hello! I just joined My Fitness Pal as well as a few other programs in the hope that a combination of them will help me to lose weight. I had bariatric surgery 2 years ago, however I have gained back some of the weight I lost...to be exact 30 pounds from my lowest weight. I am hoping to lose 30-40 pounds in order to reach my ultimate goal weight. The other programs that I have joined are the C25K ( couch 2 5K) program, which is an interval training program for those who want to learn to run and the other is a program through SELF magazine that sends me daily tips to help lose weight. I hope to lose the weight I had previously and more in this process to a healthy me.


  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Welcome to MFP and congrats on the weight that you have lost! Also good job for coming here to get rid of what you gained back and for not giving up! This works great and as for the couch to 5k there is a thread going on under the Fitness topic, you sure can join. I belong to a couple of groups: Fab Fours (we set 4 week goals) and Sixers (we set 6 week goals) but there are soooo many groups and you may join any of us!! Once again welcome and I wish you the best!