lost weight but gained back

I was like 58.5 kg last week now again 60 kg why?I don't know if it's related to me eating back calories i burned during workouts....


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Eat back only half the calories burned in exercise. Assuming you did not include exercise as part of your TDEE.

    Additionally, water weight plays major havoc on the scale.
  • Hi I have also gained weight recently and lost again, I have read on here and from other sources that when you exercise you gain muscle mass even though at the same time you may have lost fat, but it doesnt show up on the scales as weightloss. If you measure yourself regularly as I do you will see that you have lost inches but not much weight due to musclemass gained.
    I have found that measuring yourself is a better way to determine your fatloss as I am seeing a reduction in my size much more than anything I see on the scales. I have only lost 5lbs but people say I look as though I have lost at least 1stone in weight.
    I do weight training, press ups, and aerobic exercise usually 5 times a week. Dont get discouraged x