Ok, so here goes. I live on a distant Caribbean island, and we don't have fast food, so it is easy to eat healthy. Well we do have a Subway, but I can enjoy the 6 gram fat menu or less. Our meats are from South America and extremely lean. I love the way I eat, BUT......

We are going back to the states for a visit leaving this Thursday. I have 2 concerns. One, with all the restrictions on what you can bring on a plane, and the fact that I will be traveling and in airports most of the day, what would you all suggest? I will be In Ft. Lauderdale Airport for Lunch (has to be quick). We are staying in Atlantic City for 6 nights. I am having dinner at my sister's house one night, and I can manage I think ok.....BUT....

There are foods that I simply LOVE and can only get when I get back home. The 3 I will allow myself are: Bagel, Cheesesteak and soft serve ice cream. If figure if I'm really careful, I should be ok...


  • Snick7227
    I know how difficult it can be to go on vacation and stick to your diet. My advice is to try and carry protein bars, almonds and other small healthy items in your purse. When I went to NYC for Thanksgiving, I had a protein bar and some carrots in my purse and they didn't say a thing. As for eating out in restuarants I would recommend to research their menu online before you eat (if possible), if not just try to ask for things on the side (doing this will allow you to control a little bit.) If you like fish I would try and order that when out to eat, I find it that for most restuarants they don't have nearly as much sodium, carbs or fats as the other foods. I nearly died when I found out how much sodium was in a chicken ceasar salad from Applebees. Good luck and enjoy your vacation!