New to MFP. Got some questions!

Okay, so after years of struggling to get the last 15-20 lbs off, I am determined to make a plan that works for me. Two years ago I lost over 20 lbs using weight watchers but after going back to my old habits, I slowly started to put the weight back on. After reading over several other forums on this site, I am beginning to think I am doing it all wrong. I am 5'5" and currently at 153. My goal weight is 135. So I have about 18 lbs I would like to loose. Of course when I started I put myself down for 2lbs a week, I was exercising almost everyday for at least 30 min if not more. Then the scale stopped. After reading several articles,I took a look at my daily calories and noticed my net calories were around 900-1000!!! No wonder my body stopped responding, I was inadvertently starving myself. I was consuming around 1250-1350 calories, but that was with exercise! Apparently not enough. I also noticed that if I had one bad meal, my weight would shoot up a lb or 2, and I know that is not healthy. I wasn't consuming 3500 calories in one meal to make me gain that much. So I did my research and I am beginning to reevaluate my plan.

Since my goal is 18 lbs to loose, should I put that I want to loose 1 lb a week? or is it okay to do 1.5? I know that it is important to consume your exercise calories, but with a weight loss of one 1lb a week, I receive 1440 calories (which seems like a lot to me since ive been so stuck on 1200) and 1.5 gives me 1200. Or if I choose to do 1200 calories & exercise, should I just make sure that my net calories do not go under 1200??(which would equal me eating my exercise cals to reach that goal).

Im really afraid I might have messed up my metabolism, and I just want to make sure that I am on the right track.. If anyone has any input it would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!!!


  • queensara2478
    Welcome Heartof gold!. I've learned through trial and error that to lose weight we need to eat! If your looking to keeping your goal at 2 lbs a week, increase the amount of calories you eat along with excersise. Make sure the food choices your making are healthy ones. Don't weigh yourself everyday, going over your calories once or twice a week isn't a big deal. Is it really that bad to lose only 1 lb in a week once in a while? Stick to making healhty food choices and excersise daily. No one should ever consume less then 1200 calories a day. It's important that we eat to keep our organs strong and replenish what our bodies lose throughout the day.
    I hope this helps. Sorry I'm a bit long winded. Good luck!
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    you ca up your cals a lil by maybe snacking on granola or peanut butter is a good one too. Maybe start drinking milk or soy milk, that can add a few cals that your looking for.. Nuts, stuff like this is good for you and it adds cals with just a lil bit of it. keeps us posted!
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Thanks for the responses!!! I honestly was just looking at my total calories consumed, thinkin, okay good im at 1320 or whatever it was for the day, and just disregarding my exercise calories because I thought that it would make me loose more not to eat those. Rookie mistake I guess. Im going to do 1.5 a week, and keep exercising, maybe not as intense as i was doing last week, but just make sure that I am getting those calories in so my body doesnt freak out. I bought some almonds, and I cant wait to buy peanut butter again!!!! I am a vegetarian, and I do eat pretty healthy so, Im excited to get some things that i've been neglecting myself since it may be high in calories. (like peanut butter). I eat about 4 small meals a day, but those small high cal snacks (like nuts, soy milk, and peanut butter) will help me get my goal for the day without feeling like im eating just to be eating. (With my meal plans right now, I feel as though I;m getting enough, not feeling hungry really so those lil snacks will just be to keep my body satisfied) Thanks again!