New to the community- lets be friends (ladies only!)

I have been using MFP for a little while now, but I havent got involved int he community. When I started I posted on here and got a slew of strange creepy men who I had nothing in common with that wanted to be friends and were really inappropriate and weird so I just deleted all of my friends. But now Im thinking it would be nice to have some support on here! Im 23 and have about 6 more pounds to lose. I am not looking for women who are the same as me in age or weight they are wanting to lose- I just want some happy positive girls to fill up my new feed so we can help motivate each other. so add me!! :)


  • Not sure how to add you~ but it sounds like a great start! I am 42 and freaking out about weighing 142. always had struggles, highly active too! I am a wine lover and it is not helping me. I am one week no booze and I already have less food cravings from cutting back the sugar. sweet!