How much?



  • PunkyG210
    PunkyG210 Posts: 94 Member
    If you have cable TV and "On Demand" look there for workouts. I'm not sure if you have this option where you are but if you do, they have different workouts that are "FREE". It will give you a chance to try a few different things to try to figure out what you like. I think it's called Exercise TV or something like that.
  • I'm just getting started and I'm starting with 30 minute walks 3 times a week (I push my toddler in her stroller), and I also try for 30 minutes doing aerobic games on the Wii Fit every day when my toddler is napping. Please don't think you don't measure up to people doing strenuous workouts every day. If that's where you want to go, you can get there, but it's best to work up to it so you don't burn yourself out. The key is to challenge yourself a little. Increase your intensity or time by a little every week.

    Also, if you dread your workout, you're either doing too much or that workout is just not for you. Some people see exercise as work, and there's nothing wrong with that, but especially to start, if you can find something that you enjoy, it will be a lot easier to work it into your life.