Would you date an overweight person? Are you?



  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    I'm technically "obese" and I'd hit it if I were female...

    we talking BMI definitions or eyeball tests?
  • Queen_Adrock
    Queen_Adrock Posts: 130 Member
    I dated a guy for 5 years who was morbidly obese. He was so shy and thought I wouldn't like him because of his weight...not true. He was (key emphasis on was) a good guy, so I could look past it. He did drag me down into his unhealthy eating until we both said "stop" and started eating better. He eventually got the surgery and lost a lot of weight.

    To me, all that matters is willingness to be healthy. Even if they struggle with eating well, a committment to trying is what matters. My hubby now is ridiculously supportive about my weight loss goals. He makes a huge effort to buy vegetables, fruits, lean meats, whole grains, and a ton of spices, and finds interesting and new recipes to make for the both of us. That's why I married him! :)
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    I'm technically "obese" and I'd hit it if I were female...

    we talking BMI definitions or eyeball tests?

    I guess I should clarify that I mean by eyesight lol
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    I actually prefer my guy a little "husky", not saying grossly overweight....but a bit of a belly doesn't bother me.

    I've always enjoyed eating healthy meals and being active. However, if their weight got in the way of doing activities we enjoyed it would cause a problem. Diet (what you eat, not necessarily being on a "diet") can be a big issue in a relationship. When I was married I always tried to incorporate healthy foods (wheat pasta, vegetarian meals etc) and my ex refused to eat it (tough *kitten* on him, I know)....but it did cause problems in the relationship. I'm dating now and if I find someone that can't be supportive of me going to the gym and eating healthy I can promise you that he won't be around long. I'm not saying he has to do that too, but he needs to be mindful of what a healthy lifestyle is and try make sure he is as healthy as he can be.
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    My husband is taller, but thinner than me. He always has been. When we met, I was pushing 200 and he may have been 160 soaking wet. I'm 5'9" and he is 6'. Even at my absolute lightest since being with him, I felt I was very thin (173lbs, size 8), he was still thinner. I gained the weight back and am currently working my way back down. I think my husband is trying to bulk up a few lbs.

    I guess all of that to say that I've never dated an overweight person, but I sure am glad that my husband decided to. :-)

    I'm not saying I wouldn't have dated an overweight person, it just didn't happen that way. But I do know that I am not attracted to larger muscles at all. So I wouldn't have dated a man with huge muscles everywhere.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Overweight, but not obese/morbidly obese.

    But it all comes down to attraction in the end (and of course personality a close second). I'll give anyone a shot when both those are satisfied, weight notwithstanding.

    They just can't be lazy, opposed to regular exercise and healthy eating. Those people tend to be thin(ner). So...
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    They just can't be lazy, opposed to regular exercise and healthy eating. Those people tend to be thin(ner). So...

    agreed!! those fast metabolism folks take it for granted! lol
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Yes and yes. I like all sorts of shapes and sizes :wink:
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    yes i would....i like some meat on on a girl :P
  • CricketWhiskers
    CricketWhiskers Posts: 64 Member
    Before I started losing weight I would have said that weight didn't matter at all and I would be with someone of any size but I've noticed that as my weight changes so does my perspective. Just as a relationship between someone who is very religious and an athiest would be strained at times I think it can be hard to have a partner who didn't share in a lifestyle choice as encompassing as health and wellness.

    When my husband and I met I was 282lbs and he was of average weight. Neither of us were active and our lifestyles were very sedentary. Once my husband got on with the Sheriff's dept and lost some weight and toned up I had my "ah hah!" moment and started eating healthy and exercising.

    The more I did it the more I loved how great I felt from eating foods that contributed to my health and that post exercise high. I loved even more that my husband was making that transition with me not only by improving our eating habits but having a "date night" run or going over produce together in the store.

    Now I run and exercise 5 days a week and one of my favorite things is exercising with my husband. I don't think I would be as happy in a relationship where we didn't share that common interest. Would I still love my husband even if he didn't exercise with me? Of course, but I think we enjoy a closer and deeper bond because we share a similar outlook and lifestyle.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Weight or a certain look is not so important to me. Being active is. I gotta have a guy who has enough energy to keep up with me.
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Weight or a certain look is not so important to me. Being active is. I gotta have a guy who has enough energy to keep up with me.

    ^^this! I'm overweight but VERY active!!
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    I suppose to me a general apathy for health and fitness is what would bother me. A person could be 280 and I'd still love them if they at least tried.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    Doesn't matter to me. He's got to have the right personality though.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    I always seemed to like man that had more weigth.
    Never actually like the skinny type... I like men with broad shoulders, very tall, more packet around the body frame, but not muscles (I actually not keen on muscles... I don't find them attractive).
    I would admit I never liked the sigth of a morbidly obesse man, but an overweight man would not be a problem for me, if I really liked that guy and our relationship would work great.

    My ex-boyfriend was overweight (not sure of the BMI, but surrely at his 6'1" he wasn't obesse), but he was very active, actually did hiking and mountain biking often... I was feeling always actually bad I couldn't keep up with him. :)) Most of the time I did not perceive him as an overweight person.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    My husband is 5'11" and 198 lbs so he's a little overweight but not so much that I'd consider him outside of the normal range for someone his height. He has been up to 260 lbs and it never bothered me. But I've never been overly picky about looks, more about personality and intelligence.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    My husband is 5'11" and 198 lbs so he's a little overweight but not so much that I'd consider him outside of the normal range for someone his height. He has been up to 260 lbs and it never bothered me. But I've never been overly picky about looks, more about personality and intelligence.

    I'm with you! :)
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I like guys a little on the chubby side. My husband is maybe 15lbs "overweight" (technically?) and I think he's extra hot. I looooove a baby face, mmm. No, I'm not overweight but I used to be?
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    What's considered overweight? Do you mean a little on the heavy side, or straight out obese?

    My boyfriend is "overweight"... he's self-conscious about it, I think he's super cute...
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    What's considered overweight? Do you mean a little on the heavy side, or straight out obese?

    My boyfriend is "overweight"... he's self-conscious about it, I think he's super cute...

    Overweight or obese, either one, lol