In a bit of a pickle to say the least

Hi all!

Recently got back on the healthy living wagon about 5 weeks ago. Starting at 248lbs, now at 237lbs so doing well!

My normal routine consists of...

Walking to school and back, normally 3.6 miles at around 500 cals (thanks to runkeeper ;))

On Mon/Wed/Fri I'll go to gym to do about 30 mins of strength training

On Tues/Thurs/Sat I go for a run, my current progress is about 2.12 miles in ~24 mins.

On Sunday i'll rest!

I've recently started a new job which is 12 hours a week mon/wed/fri of intensive stock break down in a warehouse!

Anyway, I'm finding myself too tired at the moment and I need to study! I'm wondering whether it would be worth taking a break from exericse (the gym and running) for a week?

Only problem is I don't want to put on weight obviously and I don't want to lose my gains of fitness and losses of weight!


  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Your apprehension about not wanting to gain back weight is understandable. My only advice is to listen to what your body is telling you and accept the fact that you might have to adjust your calories if you do find you're gaining (assuming you do cut back on the exercise).

    If your job is making you too tired to study, it's probably also making it harder for you to recover from working out. I'd cut down a little bit on the exercise and see how your weight is in 3 weeks or so. You'll have a better idea about how much you should be eating at that point.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i say try to at least go 2-3 times in that week. you definitely dont want to get out of the habit and you still want your body to adjust to your new schedule.

    i went through the same when i recently went from unemployed with nothing but time to working 40+ hours a week and somewhat full social life. i wanted to skip the gym because i was tired, but it was more about me needing to relearn how to manage my time better and what better what to do that than to still keep doing everything i needed to do?

    i guess i dont see exercise as something i can skip. regardless of how much time i have or dont have i always have to fit it in because i look at it like my daily shower, fixing my meals, etc. yeah i may not have the time to spend 30-45 minutes prepping meal, but i have to do so i do it.